Ventrilo is a voice communication server which is popular in the gaming community. It allows teams of people to get together and have voice chats. I recently tried to install vent on a 64bit instance of Ubuntu 14.04. When I tried to execute the server binary, I was greeted with this lovely error message:
bash: ./ventrilo_srv: No such file or directory
It’s a pretty cryptic error message that had me chasing my tail for a while until I came across this post which shed further light on the issue. This error stems from trying to run a 32bit binary on a 64bit system without the proper libraries installed.
A simple
sudo apt-get install lib32z1
Resolved this issue. After those 32bit libraries were installed, vent ran without issue.
You are awesome.
I was thinking it was a permissions issue somehow, because I could confirm the files existed where they should and user permissions ‘looked’ proper. Ahhhh.
Thank you.