OpenWRT Wireguard client

My notes on how to configure an OpenWRT device to be a wireguard client (site to site VPN)

More or less follow the instructions from

I commented out the IPv6 stuff as well as the pre-shared key. I also had already defined firewall rules so I skipped that section.

One note: make sure your WG_ADDR has the proper subnet mask (I made the mistake of making it a /32 when it needed to be a /24)

# Configuration parameters
WG_ADDR="wireguard_subnet/wireguard_subnet_mask (/24 for example)"

# Generate keys
#umask go=
#wg genkey | tee wgserver.key | wg pubkey >
#wg genkey | tee wgclient.key | wg pubkey >
#wg genpsk > wgclient.psk
# Client private key
WG_KEY="$(cat wgclient.key)"
# Pre-shared key
#WG_PSK="$(cat wgclient.psk)"
# Server public key

# Configure network
uci -q delete network.${WG_IF}
uci set network.${WG_IF}="interface"
uci set network.${WG_IF}.proto="wireguard"
uci set network.${WG_IF}.private_key="${WG_KEY}"
uci add_list network.${WG_IF}.addresses="${WG_ADDR}"
#uci add_list network.${WG_IF}.addresses="${WG_ADDR6}"
# Add VPN peers
uci -q delete network.wgserver
uci set network.wgserver="wireguard_${WG_IF}"
uci set network.wgserver.public_key="${WG_PUB}"
#uci set network.wgserver.preshared_key="${WG_PSK}"
uci set network.wgserver.endpoint_host="${WG_SERV}"
uci set network.wgserver.endpoint_port="${WG_PORT}"
uci set network.wgserver.route_allowed_ips="1"
uci set network.wgserver.persistent_keepalive="25"
uci add_list network.wgserver.allowed_ips=""
#uci add_list network.wgserver.allowed_ips="::/0"
uci commit network
/etc/init.d/network restart

Add multiple search domains in CentOS 7

I needed to add multiple domains to search DNS with on my Cent7 box. It turns out there are two ways to do it. Cent7 uses networkmanager, so you can use the cli tool to add what you want, or you can edit the file directly.

Using nmcli:

sudo nmcli con mod eth0 ipv4.dns-search ",,"

This causes nmcli to add this line to your network interface config file (/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 in my case)


After either using nmcli or manually editing your file, simply restart the network service and your search domains now work!