Restart wireguard interface in OpenWRT

One annoying issue with wireguard in OpenWRT is the fact that it won’t re-check DNS on connection failure. In the event that my public IP changes (dynamic IP) the OpenWRT wireguard client doesn’t ever get the memo, even when DNS is updated.

I discovered here that you can tell OpenWRT via the command line to stop and start the wireguard interface. This forces a new DNS check and then the tunnel builds successfully. The command:

ubus call network.interface.wg0 down &&  ubus call network.interface.wg0 up

Success! Throw this into a cron job and you have an automated failsafe to ensure a reconnect after IP change.

Update 2024-01-16

Here is an example of a cron job to accomplish this:

#modified from
#modified to use logger for global logging instead of scriptlogfile & added infinite reboot protection for reboot
# Prepare vars
DATE=$(date +%Y-%m-%d" "%H:%M:%S)

# Ping and reboot if needed




if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
    echo "ok"
    logger $(echo "${DATE} - $0: OK - $VPNINTERFACE UP AND RUNNING")

    echo "RESTART wgvpn0 Interface"

3 thoughts on “Restart wireguard interface in OpenWRT”

  1. Alternative/perhaps just as useful in crontab:

    */5 * * * * /usr/bin/wireguard_watchdog > /dev/null 2>&1

    (OWRT 21.02)

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