All posts by nicholas

Recursively find files with the same filename

I needed a way to find files with the same filename, but were not identical files. Thankfully Reddit had the solution I was looking for: a combination of find, sort, and while loop with if statements.

find . -type f -printf '%f/%p\0' | { sort -z -t/ -k1; printf '\0';} |
while IFS=/ read -r -d '' name file; do
    if [[ "$name" = "$oldname" ]]; then
        repeated+=("$file")  # duplicate file
    if (( ${#repeated[@]} > 1)); then
        printf '%s\n' "$oldname" "${repeated[@]}" ''
        # do something with list "${repeated[@]}"

Load balancing behind Nginx Proxy Manager

Nginx proxy manager is a really convenient UI wrapped around nginx. It covers the most common use cases very well. If you have more advanced needs, then it requires some custom configuration. In my case, I wanted to load balance my Proxmox servers. This is how you do that, as per and

  1. Make directories & create data/nginx/custom/root_top.conf
  2. Populate with your upstream server list
    upstream proxmox-backend {
    server first_server.fqdn:8006;
    server second_server.fqdn:8006;
    server nth_server.fqdn:8006;
  3. Set proxy host for http://backend and edit proxy host to have the following in the Advanced tab:
    location / {
    proxy_pass https://proxmox-backend;
    proxy_set_header Host $host;
    proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
    proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
    proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;


In my case it is very simple load balancing with no persistent cookies/session (not needed for my application.) But all those options exist for nginx and it’s just a matter of adding them in custom configuration for NPM.

Configure Proxmox Mail Gateway to use AnyMX relay

I needed to configure Proxmox Mail Gateway to use an authenticated SMTP relay for outgoing mail. There is no way to add a username and password in the PMG GUI; however, you can do it in the command line and it follows standard postfix syntax. Thanks to this post for helping me get it set up:

To get it to work you have to drop to the CLI and configure your username and password. Then copy the template file over and make your changes there, as editing postfix directly gets overwritten with subsequent GUI changes.

mkdir /etc/pmg/templates/

cp /var/lib/pmg/templates/ /etc/pmg/templates/

create /etc/postfix/smtp_auth and populate it:   username:password

Append the following to the /etc/pmg/templates/ template:

smtp_sasl_auth_enable = yes
smtp_sasl_password_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/smtp_auth
smtp_sasl_security_options = noanonymous

Change permissions to smtp_auth file, run postmap to generate the db with the password, and run pmgconfig to refresh the configuration.

chmod 640 /etc/postfix/smtp_auth
postmap /etc/postfix/smtp_auth
pmgconfig sync --restart 1

This worked for me.

Multi click workaround for single click buttons in Home Assistant

I recently bought a Leviton Decora Smart Controller Switch with the hopes that I could put it in my bathroom for quick and easy music selection. I was dismayed to find out that the device doesn’t support multi-click – it registers single click only. Thanks to Home Assistant, I was able to bypass this problem. It took a bit of doing but thanks to this forum post I was able to get it working.

All I wanted this switch to do was play music based on which button was tapped and how many times. The switch was designed to also control a light/fan circuit, but I didn’t need that functionality. I wired it into the wall with line, neutral, and ground, but didn’t put anything on the load wire. This gave me the freedom to use all four buttons without messing anything else up. I wanted local control, so I set this device up via HomeKit.

To accomplish multi-click functionality, I wrote an automation that does the following:

  • Trigger on click of the button
  • Repeat the trigger five times – one for each trigger plus an extra (not sure why, but needed to be 5 instead of 4)
  • Wait up to half a second for another trigger, caused by a subsequent press of the button. If there is no subsequent press, then do the first action. If there IS a subsequent press, do the second action, and so on through the 4th action.
  • Stop the automation if a timeout has been reached (station selected.)
  • Run in single mode – don’t run subsequent automations if one is already running.
  • The action is simply changing an option on an input_select helper. I have a separate automation to initiate the speaker to play the desired station based on the value of the input_select helper.

Here is the full automation:

alias: Master Bath scene controller Button 1 multi click
description: ""
  - device_id: 8dad5dce6044df4d28b566a412379bdf
    domain: homekit_controller
    type: button1
    subtype: single_press
    trigger: device
    enabled: true
conditions: []
  - repeat:
      count: 5
        - wait_for_trigger:
            - entity_id:
                - >-              event.master_bath_scene_controller_stateless_programmable_switch_1
              trigger: state
            seconds: 0.5
        - if:
            - condition: template
              value_template: "{{ not wait.trigger }} "
            - choose:
                - conditions:
                    - condition: template
                      value_template: "{{ repeat.index  == 2 }} "
                    - action: input_select.select_option
                      metadata: {}
                        option: Station_1
                        entity_id: input_select.master_bath_stations
                - conditions:
                    - condition: template
                      value_template: "{{ repeat.index  == 3 }} "
                    - action: input_select.select_option
                      metadata: {}
                        option: Station_2
                        entity_id: input_select.master_bath_stations
                - conditions:
                    - condition: template
                      value_template: "{{ repeat.index  == 4}} "
                    - action: input_select.select_option
                      metadata: {}
                        option: Station_3
                        entity_id: input_select.master_bath_stations
                - conditions:
                    - condition: template
                      value_template: "{{ repeat.index  == 5 }} "
                    - action: input_select.select_option
                      metadata: {}
                        option: Station_4
                        entity_id: input_select.master_bath_stations
            - stop: ""
mode: single

It works quite well! I’m so pleased. I don’t fully understand why I had to start the index with 2. If I didn’t, then the first station would not play on one click – it just got skipped. ChatGPT also doesn’t quite understand why, it seems, as its explanation says that a single click should do nothing and five clicks should do something. However, a single click does in fact play Station_1, and five clicks does nothing. All the desired stations play when the button is pressed the requisite number of times.

ChatGPT generated explanation

This Home Assistant automation is designed to respond to button presses from a HomeKit-enabled scene controller in the master bathroom. Here is a detailed breakdown of how it works:


  • Alias: Master Bath scene controller Button 1 multi click
  • Trigger: A single press of button 1 on the scene controller.
  • Actions: Repeats a sequence up to 5 times, checking for additional button presses. Depending on the number of presses, it selects a different option from an input select entity.


The automation is triggered when button 1 (type: button1) on the scene controller (device_id: 8dad5dce6044df4d28b566a412379bdf) is pressed once (subtype: single_press).


There are no conditions specified, so the actions will always run when the trigger occurs.


The actions consist of a repeat loop that runs up to 5 times. Here is a step-by-step explanation of the actions:

  1. Repeat Loop: The loop will run up to 5 times (count: 5).
  2. Wait for Trigger: Inside the loop, it waits for another state change event from the scene controller’s button 1 (event.master_bath_scene_controller_stateless_programmable_switch_1) for up to 0.5 seconds (timeout: 0.5).
  3. Check for Additional Presses:
    • If no additional press is detected within the timeout period ({{ not wait.trigger }}), it checks the current index of the repeat loop (repeat.index).
    • Depending on the value of repeat.index, it selects a different option from the input_select.master_bath_stations entity.
  4. Select Options Based on Press Count:
    • If repeat.index is 2: Selects Station_1.
    • If repeat.index is 3: Selects Station_2.
    • If repeat.index is 4: Selects Station_3.
    • If repeat.index is 5: Selects Station_4.
  5. Stop Action: If an option is selected (based on the number of presses), the loop stops executing further (stop: "").


The automation runs in single mode, which means it will not start a new instance of the automation if there is already one running.

Example Use Case

  • Single Press: If the button is pressed once, it waits for up to 0.5 seconds for additional presses. If no additional presses are detected, nothing happens.
  • Double Press: If the button is pressed twice within 0.5 seconds, Station_1 is selected.
  • Triple Press: If the button is pressed three times within 0.5 seconds, Station_2 is selected.
  • Quadruple Press: If the button is pressed four times within 0.5 seconds, Station_3 is selected.
  • Five Presses: If the button is pressed five times within 0.5 seconds, Station_4 is selected.

This automation allows for different actions to be taken based on the number of times the button is pressed within a short period.

Change ceph network

My notes on changing which network your Proxmox CEPH cluster lives in. In my case I wanted to switch from a 10 gig network to a 40gig network in a different subnet. Source:

  1. Change network configuration in “ceph.conf”
    • Be sure to edit both cluster network and public network
  2. Destroy and recreate monitors (one by one);
  3. Destroy and recreate managers (one by one, leaving the active one for last);
  4. Destroy and recreate metadata servers (one by one, leaving the active one for last;
  5. Restart OSDs (one by one – or more, depending how many OSDs you have in the cluster – so you avoid restarting the hosts);

Get CEPH running on new Proxmox node

pveceph install –repository no-subscription

Move OSDs to new host


Follow a similar procedure above of downing each OSD one by one on the old host. Remove the drives and place them in the new host. Then run the following:

ceph-volume lvm activate --all


Unable to remove monitor with unknown status

rm -r /var/lib/ceph/mon/ceph-pve2/

Remove failed host

I had to edit /etc/pve/ceph.conf manually, remove host when it failed. It wouldn’t work in the Proxmox GUI.

Docker for old Java-based IPMI systems

As time goes on it’s getting harder to access the remote console on one of my older systems. It requires an old version of Java that just doesn’t work right on modern operating systems. Fortunately, Docker has come to my rescue.

ipmi-kvm-docker is a simple docker setup that will spin up an old version of firefox with the old version of Java that’s required. It wraps it all nicely in a graphical environment inside the docker container and uses novnc to serve this environment up as a web page. You can configure which port it uses, and then you simply connect to your docker host on that port. You can also specify a volume to mount if you have ISOs or other files you’d like your IPMI environment to see. Brilliant.

I simply ran these commands on my docker system to get it up and running:

docker run -p 8080:8080 -v /your/local/folder:/root/images solarkennedy/ipmi-kvm-docker

Then all I had to do was connect to my docker system on port 8080 in a browser. It worked great. My 10+year old server is still going strong, and easy to reinstall now thanks to this tool.

Install Apache Guacamole 1.5.5 with docker-compose

I decided I needed to update my Apache Guacamole instance to their latest version – 1.5.5. Unfortunately the git repo I provided in my last article about it – – doesn’t appear to work properly, even with a fresh install. So, I set about to rebuild from scratch. I found this article which helped me to do it. I updated the version from 1.4.0 to 1.5.5 and it worked beautifully.

Make guacamole directory

mkdir guacamole
cd guacamole

Pull down images

docker pull guacamole/guacamole:1.5.5
docker pull guacamole/guacd:1.5.5
docker pull mariadb:10.9.5

Grab database initialization file

docker run --rm guacamole/guacamole:1.5.5 /opt/guacamole/bin/ --mysql > initdb.sql

Make initial docker-compose.yml file with just the database for now:

    container_name: guacamoledb
    image: mariadb:10.9.5
    restart: unless-stopped
      MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: 'MariaDBRootPass'
      MYSQL_DATABASE: 'guacamole_db'
      MYSQL_USER: 'guacamole_user'
      MYSQL_PASSWORD: 'MariaDBUserPass'
      - './db-data:/var/lib/mysql'

Copy sql script into container and execute it

docker cp initdb.sql guacamoledb:/initdb.sql
sudo docker exec -it guacamoledb bash
cat /initdb.sql | mysql -u root -p guacamole_db
<insert MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD as defined earlier>

Add the guacd & guacamole sections to your docker-compose.yml file

This is the end result:

    container_name: guacamoledb
    image: mariadb:10.9.5
    restart: unless-stopped
      MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: 'MariaDBRootPass'
      MYSQL_DATABASE: 'guacamole_db'
      MYSQL_USER: 'guacamole_user'
      MYSQL_PASSWORD: 'MariaDBUserPass'
      - './db-data:/var/lib/mysql'
    container_name: guacd
    image: guacamole/guacd:1.4.0
    restart: unless-stopped
    container_name: guacamole
    image: guacamole/guacamole:1.4.0
    restart: unless-stopped
      - 8080:8080
      GUACD_HOSTNAME: "guacd"
      MYSQL_HOSTNAME: "guacdb"
      MYSQL_DATABASE: "guacamole_db"
      MYSQL_USER: "guacamole_user"
      MYSQL_PASSWORD: "MariaDBUserPass"
      TOTP_ENABLED: "true"
      - guacdb
      - guacd

Start docker compose stack

Finally run docker compose up -d to get everything up and running again.

Remove /guacamole in the URL

The article says guacamole must have /guacamole at the end of the URL, but that is not correct. There is an environment variable you can pass to the container to tell the context to run in root instead of the guacamole subdirectory. If this is your desire, simply add


to the guacamole section in your docker compose file and re-run sudo docker compose up -d

Here is my final docker compose file for Guacamole 1.5.5:

    container_name: guacamoledb
    image: mariadb:10.9.5
    restart: unless-stopped
      MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: 'MariaDBRootPass'
      MYSQL_DATABASE: 'guacamole_db'
      MYSQL_USER: 'guacamole_user'
      MYSQL_PASSWORD: 'MariaDBUserPass'
      - './db-data:/var/lib/mysql'

    container_name: guacd
    image: guacamole/guacd:1.5.5
    restart: unless-stopped

    container_name: guacamole
    image: guacamole/guacamole:1.5.5
    restart: unless-stopped
      - 8080:8080
      GUACD_HOSTNAME: "guacd"
      MYSQL_HOSTNAME: "guacdb"
      MYSQL_DATABASE: "guacamole_db"
      MYSQL_USER: "guacamole_user"
      MYSQL_PASSWORD: "MariaDBUserPass"
      TOTP_ENABLED: "true"
      - guacdb
      - guacd


Unbind vfio driver from device in Proxmox

I found myself with a Proxmox server that wouldn’t do anything with its network card. It took me a while to realize that at one point I had bound it to a VM. Even after removing it from the VM, the host wouldn’t do anything with it.

Discover which driver a device is using:

lspci -knn

In my case I found the culprit: the driver for the network card was still claimed by vfio-pci

08:00.0 Network controller [0280]: Mellanox Technologies MT27500 Family [ConnectX-3] [15b3:1003]
Subsystem: Mellanox Technologies MT27500 Family [ConnectX-3] [15b3:0050]
Kernel driver in use: vfio-pci
Kernel modules: mlx4_core

I finally found in this post how to tell the kernel to unbind from vfio-pci and bind to the network driver mlx4_core. Given the PCI bus location and device ID from the command, I was able to reclaim my network adapter to my host successfully:

echo -n "0000:08:00.0" > /sys/bus/pci/drivers/vfio-pci/unbind
echo -n "15b3 1003" > /sys/bus/pci/drivers/vfio-pci/remove_id
echo -n "0000:08:00.0" > /sys/bus/pci/drivers/mlx4_core/bind


Quick way to make HDD light blink

I needed a quick and dirty way to make a specific hard drive LED blink so that I could identify which drive to replace. I stumbled across this post that worked well for me.

The simple trick is to run smartctl in a while loop. Something about smartctl makes the drive light blink differently than using dd, which is what I was using previously. smartctl is what finally allowed me to identify the drive. Here is the command:

while true; do smartctl -a /dev/<device>; done

The command will run forever until you Ctrl + C. It make the LED blink rather obviously, which made things much easier.

Zimbra commercial SSL renewal procedure

My quick notes on what I have to do every year to upgrade my Zimbra mail certificate with a new Namecheap SSL certificate:

  1. Request CSR
    • /opt/zimbra/bin/zmcertmgr createcsr comm -new -subject "/C=COUNTRY/ST=STATE/L=LOCATION/O=ORG/OU=OU/CN=CN.EXAMPLE.ORG" -subjectAltNames CN.EXAMPLE.ORG
    • cat /opt/zimbra/ssl/zimbra/commercial/commercial.csr
  2. Upload CSR, verify domain, receive cert bundle
  3. Copy CRT & CA Bundle files to /tmp/cert
  4. Change permissions of files to allow zimbra user to use them:
    sudo chown zimbra /tmp/cert
    sudo chown zimbra /tmp/cert/*
  5. Verify it works against private key
    zmcertmgr verifycrt comm /opt/zimbra/ssl/zimbra/commercial/commercial.key /tmp/cert/ISSUED_CRT.crt /tmp/cert/
  6. Import new key
    zmcertmgr deploycrt comm /tmp/cert/ISSUED_CRT.crt /tmp/cert/
  7. Restart zimbra
    zmcontrol restart