Tag Archives: ansible

Upgrading AWX

AWX is the open source version of Ansible Tower. It’s a powerful tool, but unfortunately AWX has no in place upgrade capability. If you want to upgrade your AWX to the latest version it takes a bit of trickery (the easy way out being just to pay for Ansible Tower.)

Essentially to upgrade AWX you need to spin up a completely new instance and then migrate your data over to it. Fortunately there is a script out there that makes doing this a bit easier.

Below are my notes for how I upgraded my instance of AWX from version 1.0.6 to 2.1.0.

Create temporary AWX migration server

Spin up new server with ansible installed, then clone AWX

git clone https://github.com/ansible/awx.git 
cd awx 
git clone https://github.com/ansible/awx-logos.git

Modify AWX install to expose 5432 externally:

edit installer/roles/local_docker/tasks/standalone.yml and add

      - "5432:5432" 

right above the when: pg_hostname is not defined or pg_hostname == '' line. Complete stanza looks like this:

- name: Activate postgres container
    name: postgres
    state: started
    restart_policy: unless-stopped
    image: "{{ postgresql_image }}"
      - "{{ postgres_data_dir }}:/var/lib/postgresql/data:Z"
      POSTGRES_USER: "{{ pg_username }}"
      POSTGRES_PASSWORD: "{{ pg_password }}"
      POSTGRES_DB: "{{ pg_database }}"
      PGDATA: "/var/lib/postgresql/data/pgdata"
      - "5432:5432"
  when: pg_hostname is not defined or pg_hostname == ''
  register: postgres_container_activate

Make sure you have port 5432 open on your host-based firewall.

Install AWX on the new host. Verify you can log into the empty instance and that it’s the version you want to upgrade to.

Prepare original AWX server to send

Kill the AWX postgres container on the source machine, and re-run awx installer after modifying it to expose its postgres port as described above.

Install tower-cli (this can be on either source or destination servers)

sudo pip install ansible-tower-cli

Configure tower-cli

tower-cli config username SRC_AWX_USERNAME
towercli config password SRC_AWX_PASSWORD
towercli config host SRC_AWX_HOST

Make sure to use full ansible URL as accessed from a browser for both source and destination

Install awx-migrate:

git clone https://github.com/autops/awx-migrate.git

Update awx-migrate/awx-migrate-wrapper with correct source and destination info

Run awx-migrate-wrapper. It will generate json files with your configuration.

Migrate database to temporary server

Modify tower-cli config, set host, username and password to that of the destination AWX instance

tower-cli config username DEST_AWX_USERNAME
towercli config password DEST_AWX_PASSWORD
towercli config host: DEST_AWX_HOST

Send JSON info to destination:

tower-cli send awx-data.json

You will now have a fresh new, updated AWX instance working, with imported database, on the destination host. Confirm you can log into it with the admin account you set it up with.

Prepare original AWX server to receive

Now, on the source, remove  the old AWX docker containers:

sudo docker rm -f postgres awx_task awx_web memcached rabbitmq

Move / delete the database folder the postgres docker container was using (as defined in awx installer inventory) in my case:


Remove and re-install AWX folder with a fresh git checkout

rm -rf awx
git clone https://github.com/ansible/awx.git
cd awx
git clone https://github.com/ansible/awx-logos.git

Re-run the AWX installer to re-create a blank database on the source host, modify the new awx/installer/inventory as needed. Also modify installer/roles/local_docker/tasks/standalone.yml as outlined above.

cd awx/installer
sudo ansible-playbook -i inventory install.yml

Migrate from temporary AWX server back to source AWX server

Once a new, empty version of awx is running on the source host,  start the awx-migrate process in reverse to migrate the database on the destination instance back to the source. Modify awx-migrate-wrapper and tower-cli to switch src and destination (the destination has become the source and the source has become the destination)

Use awx-migrate-wrapper to generate  new ansible version json files (don’t confuse them with the old json files – best to delete / move all json files before running awx-migrate-wrapper)

Modify tower-cli to point to original AWX URL

Run tower-cli send awx-data.json

Once completed, log in as the admin account. Input LDAP BIND password under settings, then delete any imported LDAP users.


You may want to remove the exposed postgres database ports. Simply undo the changes you made in awx/installer/roles/local_docker/tasks/standalone.yml to remove the Ports part of the first play, then remove your postgres container and re-install AWX with install.yml

Also remember to delete the JSON files generated with awx-migrate as they contain all your credentials in plaintext.



Using expect with the Ansible shell module

In one of my ansible playbooks I need to obtain a file from a Windows share. I can’t find a module that handles this so I’m using the shell module to call the smbclient command to do what I need. The problem with this solution is that smbclient prompts for a password (and I don’t want to supply it on the command itself for security reasons.)

I tried using ansible’s built-in expect module, but frustratingly it only works on systems that have pexpect >= 3.3  , which CentOS 7 & Ubuntu 14.04 do not have.

My solution to this is to install the expect command on the host, and then use the ansible shell module to call it, following the example given in Ansible’s shell module page

Part of the process in my playbook is registering stdout from that command for later use. I then ran into a problem where I would run smbclient -c “ls <filename>” but ansible would register nothing. After some digging I found I also need to include the interact command after sending the password. Without it, anything after sending the password is not registered to stdout. Thanks to rostyslav-fridman on Stack Overflow for the answer.

My final problem was I was sending a password that had a ] character in it. It was causing this error on run:

missing close-bracket\n while executing\n\"send

I found here (thanks glenn-jackman) it was due to  the fact that the expect syntax uses tcl language, which treats those brackets as special characters. To get around this I had to use an ansible filter, specifically regex_escape()

Lastly I ran into an issue specifically with how I was spawning smbclient. I kept getting this message:

"stderr": "send: spawn id exp4 not open\n while executing\n\"send

It boiled down to single vs double quotes. If I put my -c arguments in single quotes it failed; with double quotes, it worked.

My completed play is below. Finally, success!

- name: Get RSA filename 
  shell: |
    set timeout 300
    spawn smbclient {{standards_location}} -W DOMAIN -U {{username}} -c "ls {{file_location}}*.tar"
    expect "password:"
    send {{ password | regex_escape() }}\r
    exit 0
    executable: /usr/bin/expect
  changed_when: false
  no_log: true
  register: RSA_filename_raw

Accept multiple SSH RSA keys with ssh-keyscan

I came across a new machine that needed to connect to many SSH hosts via ansible. I had a problem where ansible was prompting me for each post if I wanted to accept the RSA key. As I had dozens of hosts I didn’t want to type yes for every single one; furthermore the yes command didn’t appear to work. I needed a way to automatically accept all SSH RSA keys from a list of server names. I know you can disable RSA key checking but I didn’t want to do that.

I eventually found this site which suggested a small for loop, which did the trick beautifully. I modified it to suit my needs.

This little two-liner takes a file (in my case, my ansible hosts file) and then runs ssh-keyscan against it and adds the results to the .ssh/known_hosts file. The end result is an automated way to accept many SSH keys.

SERVER_LIST=$(cat /etc/ansible/hosts)
for host in $SERVER_LIST; do ssh-keyscan -H $host >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts; done

Managing Windows hosts with Ansible

I spun my wheels for a while trying to get Ansible to manage windows hosts. Here are my notes on how I finally successfully got ansible (on a Linux host) to use an HTTPS WinRM connection to connect to a windows host using Kerberos for authentication. This article was of great help.

Ansible Hosts file


Packages to install (CentOS 7)

sudo yum install gcc python2-pip
sudo pip install kerberos requests_kerberos pywinrm certifi

Playbook syntax

Modules involving Windows hosts have a win_ prefix.


Code 500

WinRMTransportError: (u'http', u'Bad
HTTP response returned from server. Code 500')

I was using -m ping for testing instead of -m win_ping. Make sure you’re using win_ping and not regular ping module.

Certificate validation failed

"msg": "kerberos: [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed (_ssl.c:579)"

I had a self signed CA certificate on the box ansible was trying to connect to. Python doesn’t appear to trust the system’s certificate trust chain by default. Ansible has a configuration directive


but even with that pointing to my system trust it wouldn’t work. I then found this gem on the winrm page for ansible:

The CA chain can contain a single or multiple issuer certificates and each entry is contained on a new line. To then use the custom CA chain as part of the validation process, set ansible_winrm_ca_trust_path to the path of the file. If this variable is not set, the default CA chain is used instead which is located in the install path of the Python package certifi.

Challenge #1: I didn’t have certifi installed.

sudo pip install certifi

Challenge #2: I needed to know where certifi’s default trust store was located, which I discovered after reading the project github page

import certifi

In my case the location was ‘/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/certifi/cacert.pem’. I then symlinked my system trust to that location (backing up existing trust first)

sudo mv /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/certifi/cacert.pem /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/certifi/cacert.pem.old
sudo ln -s /etc/pki/tls/cert.pem /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/certifi/cacert.pem

Et voila! No more trust issues.

Ansible Tower

Note: If you’re running Ansible Tower, you have to work with their own bundled version of python instead of the system version. For version 3.2 it was located here:


I fixed it by doing this:

sudo mv /var/lib/awx/venv/ansible/lib/python2.7/site-packages/requests/cacert.pem /var/lib/awx/venv/ansible/lib/python2.7/site-packages/requests/cacert.pem.old
sudo ln -s /etc/pki/tls/cert.pem /var/lib/awx/venv/ansible/lib/python2.7/site-packages/requests/cacert.pem

This resolved the trust issues.