Tag Archives: docker-compose

Install Apache Guacamole 1.5.5 with docker-compose

I decided I needed to update my Apache Guacamole instance to their latest version – 1.5.5. Unfortunately the git repo I provided in my last article about it – https://techblog.jeppson.org/2021/03/guacamole-docker-quick-and-easy/ – doesn’t appear to work properly, even with a fresh install. So, I set about to rebuild from scratch. I found this article which helped me to do it. I updated the version from 1.4.0 to 1.5.5 and it worked beautifully.

Make guacamole directory

mkdir guacamole
cd guacamole

Pull down images

docker pull guacamole/guacamole:1.5.5
docker pull guacamole/guacd:1.5.5
docker pull mariadb:10.9.5

Grab database initialization file

docker run --rm guacamole/guacamole:1.5.5 /opt/guacamole/bin/initdb.sh --mysql > initdb.sql

Make initial docker-compose.yml file with just the database for now:

    container_name: guacamoledb
    image: mariadb:10.9.5
    restart: unless-stopped
      MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: 'MariaDBRootPass'
      MYSQL_DATABASE: 'guacamole_db'
      MYSQL_USER: 'guacamole_user'
      MYSQL_PASSWORD: 'MariaDBUserPass'
      - './db-data:/var/lib/mysql'

Copy sql script into container and execute it

docker cp initdb.sql guacamoledb:/initdb.sql
sudo docker exec -it guacamoledb bash
cat /initdb.sql | mysql -u root -p guacamole_db
<insert MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD as defined earlier>

Add the guacd & guacamole sections to your docker-compose.yml file

This is the end result:

    container_name: guacamoledb
    image: mariadb:10.9.5
    restart: unless-stopped
      MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: 'MariaDBRootPass'
      MYSQL_DATABASE: 'guacamole_db'
      MYSQL_USER: 'guacamole_user'
      MYSQL_PASSWORD: 'MariaDBUserPass'
      - './db-data:/var/lib/mysql'
    container_name: guacd
    image: guacamole/guacd:1.4.0
    restart: unless-stopped
    container_name: guacamole
    image: guacamole/guacamole:1.4.0
    restart: unless-stopped
      - 8080:8080
      GUACD_HOSTNAME: "guacd"
      MYSQL_HOSTNAME: "guacdb"
      MYSQL_DATABASE: "guacamole_db"
      MYSQL_USER: "guacamole_user"
      MYSQL_PASSWORD: "MariaDBUserPass"
      TOTP_ENABLED: "true"
      - guacdb
      - guacd

Start docker compose stack

Finally run docker compose up -d to get everything up and running again.

Remove /guacamole in the URL

The article says guacamole must have /guacamole at the end of the URL, but that is not correct. There is an environment variable you can pass to the container to tell the context to run in root instead of the guacamole subdirectory. If this is your desire, simply add


to the guacamole section in your docker compose file and re-run sudo docker compose up -d

Here is my final docker compose file for Guacamole 1.5.5:

    container_name: guacamoledb
    image: mariadb:10.9.5
    restart: unless-stopped
      MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: 'MariaDBRootPass'
      MYSQL_DATABASE: 'guacamole_db'
      MYSQL_USER: 'guacamole_user'
      MYSQL_PASSWORD: 'MariaDBUserPass'
      - './db-data:/var/lib/mysql'

    container_name: guacd
    image: guacamole/guacd:1.5.5
    restart: unless-stopped

    container_name: guacamole
    image: guacamole/guacamole:1.5.5
    restart: unless-stopped
      - 8080:8080
      GUACD_HOSTNAME: "guacd"
      MYSQL_HOSTNAME: "guacdb"
      MYSQL_DATABASE: "guacamole_db"
      MYSQL_USER: "guacamole_user"
      MYSQL_PASSWORD: "MariaDBUserPass"
      TOTP_ENABLED: "true"
      - guacdb
      - guacd


Guacamole docker quick and easy

Apache Guacamole as an awesome HTML5 remote access gateway. Unfortunately it can be very frustrating to set up. They have docker images that are supposed to make the process easier, but I still ran into a lot of problems trying to get everything configured and linked.

Fortunately, a docker compose file exists to make Guacamole much easier to set up. Simply follow the instructions as laid out in the github readme:

  • Install docker & docker-compose
  • Clone their repository, run the initial prep script (for SSL keys & database initialization), and bring it up with docker-compose:
git clone "https://github.com/boschkundendienst/guacamole-docker-compose.git"
cd guacamole-docker-compose
sudo ./prepare.sh
sudo docker-compose up -d

Done! If you didn’t change anything in the docker-compose.yml file, you will have a new instance of Guacamole running on HTTPS port 8443 of your docker host. If you need to make changes (or if you forgot to run the prepare.sh file with sudo), you can run the reset.sh script which will destroy everything. You can then modify docker-compose.yml to suit your needs:

  • Whether to use nginx for HTTPS or just expose guacamole on port 8080 non-https (in case you already have a reverse proxy set up)
  • postgres password

Config files for each container are located within various folders in your guacamole-docker-compose folder. This can all be changed by editing the docker-compose.yml file.

Note this does configuration does not work with WOL, but as I do not use this feature I don’t mind.


docker ps will show running containers (docker ps -a shows all containers) If one is not running that should be, docker logs <container name> gives valuable insight as to why. In my case guacd was erroring out because I hadn’t initialized the database properly. Running the reset.sh script and starting over, this time running as sudo, did the trick.

create podman services with podman-compose

Podman is a fork of Docker that Redhat is using. I really liked docker-compose functionality; fortunately there is a podman-compose project which is more or less the same thing.

I now have a setup where each podman container is controlled by a systemd service, set to run on startup, with version controlled podman-compose files.

First, I installed podman-compose:

sudo curl -o /usr/local/bin/podman-compose https://raw.githubusercontent.com/containers/podman-compose/devel/podman_compose.py
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/podman-compose

I then created podman-compose files (syntax identical to docker-compose) for each container. Here is one example (jackett.yml)

version: "2"
    image: linuxserver/jackett
    container_name: jackett
      - PUID=1000
      - PGID=1000
      - TZ=America/Boise
      - /mnt/storage/Docker/Jackett/config:/config
      - /mnt/storage/Docker/Jackett/downloads:/downloads
      - 9117:9117
    restart: unless-stopped

I then created a corresponding systemd unit file for each container:



# Compose up
ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/podman-compose -f /home/nicholas/podman/jackett.yml up

# Compose down, remove containers and volumes
ExecStop=/usr/local/bin/podman-compose -f /home/nicholas/podman/jackett.yml down -v


I then do a systemctl daemon-reload, and enable the service for startup:

sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable jackett


Why not create a single podman-compose file for all my services, instead of creating individual services for each container? I wanted to be able to clearly see log output for each container with journalctl -f -u <service name.> If you lump all your services in a single compose file, the output from each container gets all jumbled into that single service log. Separating out each container into its own service was more clean.

Backup and restore docker container configurations

I came across a need to start afresh with my docker setup. I didn’t want to re-create all the port and volume mappings for my various containers. Fortunately I found a way around this by using docker-autocompose to create .yml files with all my settings and docker-compose to restore them to my new docker host.


Docker-autocompose source: https://github.com/Red5d/docker-autocompose

git clone https://github.com/Red5d/docker-autocompose.git
cd docker-autocompose
docker build -t red5d/docker-autocompose .

With docker-autocompose created you can then use it to create .yml files for each of your running containers by utilizing a simple BASH for loop:

for image in $(docker ps --format '{{.Names}}'); do docker run -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock red5d/docker-autocompose $image > $image.yml; done



To restore, install and use docker-compose:

sudo curl -L https://github.com/docker/compose/releases/download/1.21.2/docker-compose-$(uname -s)-$(uname -m) -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

Next we use another simple for loop to go through each .yml file and import them into Docker. The sed piece escapes any $ characters in the .yml files so they will import properly.

for file in *.yml; do sed 's/\$/\$\$/g' -i $file;
docker-compose -f $file up --force-recreate -d; done

You can safely ignore the warnings about orphans.

That’s it!


ERROR: Invalid interpolation format for “environment” option in service “Transmission”: “PS1=$(whoami)@$(hostname):$(pwd)$ “

This is due to .yml files which contain unescaped $ characters.

Escape any $ with another $ using sed

sed 's/\$/\$\$/g' -i <filename>.yml

ERROR: The Compose file ‘./MariaDB.yml’ is invalid because:
MariaDB.user contains an invalid type, it should be a string

My MariaDB docker .yml file had a user: environment variable that was a number, which docker compose interpreted as a number instead of a string. I had to modify that particular .yml file and add quotes around the value that I had for the User environment variable.