Tag Archives: grub

arch install notes 2020-06

My install notes to get Arch Linux set up just the way I like it, June 2020 edition. Reference: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Installation_guide

Change to dvorak layout:
loadkeys dvorak

Sync NTP time:
timedatectl set-ntp true

Configure disk:
#create separate efi partition, LVM root & swap
pvcreate <dev>
vgcreate arch <dev>
lvcreate -L+2G arch -n swap
lvcreate -l100%FREE -n root arch

Initialize swap:
mkswap /dev/arch/swap
swapon /dev/arch/swap

Format & Mount root:
mkfs.ext4 /dev/arch/root
mount /dev/arch/root /mnt

Create EFI partition
mkdosfs -F32 <partition 1>
mkdir /mnt/efi
mount <partition 1> /mnt/efi

Make mirrorlist use only xmission
sed -i 's/^Server/#Server/g;s/#Server\(.*xmission.*\)/Server\1/g' /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist

Install base system plus extra packages:
pacstrap /mnt base linux linux-firmware lvm2 efibootmgr samba vim htop networkmanager inetutils man-db man-pages texinfo openssh grub

Generate fstab
genfstab -U /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab

Enter new environment chroot
arch-chroot /mnt

Set timezone
ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/America/Boise /etc/localtime

Configure en_US locales
sed -i 's/^#en_US\(.*\)/en_US\1/g' /etc/locale.gen

Make dvorak layout permanent
echo "KEYMAP=dvorak" > /etc/vconsole.conf

Set hostname
echo "_HOSTNAME_" > /etc/hostname
echo " _HOSTNAME_._DOMAIN_ _HOSTNAME_" >> /etc/hosts

Enable lvm2 hook for initial ramdisk (boot)
sed -i 's/HOOKS=(.*\<block\>/& lvm2/' /etc/mkinitcpio.conf

Generate initial ramdisk
mkinitcpio -P

Set password for root user:

Install Grub (EFI)
grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --efi-directory=/efi --bootloader-id=GRUB
grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg

Enable networking & SSH on bootup:
systemctl enable NetworkManager sshd

Configure NTP
yum -y install ntp
#modify /etc/ntp.conf for timeservers as desired
systemctl enable ntpd

Exit chroot & reboot

Proxmox first VM boot delay workaround

My home lab has an NFS server for storage and a proxmox hypervisor connecting to it. If the power ever goes out for more than my UPS can handle, startup is a bit of a mess. My ProxMox server boots up much faster than my NFS server, so the result is no VMs start automatically (due to storage being unavailable) and I have to manually go in and start everything.

I found this bug report from 2015 which frustratingly doesn’t appear to have any traction to it. Ideally I could just tell the first VM to wait 5 minutes before turning on, and then trigger all the other VMs to turn on once the first one is up, but the devs don’t seem to want to address that issue. So, I got creative.

My solution was to alter the grub menu timeout before booting ProxMox. Simple but effective.

Edit /etc/default/grub and modify GRUB_TIMEOUT

#modify GRUB_TIMEOUT to your liking

Then simply run update-grub


Now my proxmox server waits 5 minutes before even booting the OS, by which time the NAS should be up and running. No more manual turning on of VMs after a power outage.