Tag Archives: owncloud

Nextcloud External Files SMB not working – Empty Response from Server

I beat my head against the wall for hours trying to figure out why external storage wasn’t working with my Nextcloud instance after I migrated it over to CentOS 7. All I kept getting was a very unhelpful

There was an error with message: Empty response from the server.

I installed all the libraries multiple times. I tried different versions of smbclient and php-smbclient but the error kept happening! Eventually I decided to check the samba logs of my samba server. Sure enough:

 create_connection_session_info failed: NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED

The username and password I was using was correct. I read on some forum (sorry, no link) to put something in the Workgroup field. Voila! As soon as I populated the workgroup field in Nextcloud for my SMB shares, they all worked!

Install Owncloud 8 on Centos 7

I recently needed to re-install my Owncloud VM. I’ve been on a CentOS kick lately so I decided to see if I could install OwnCloud 8 on a Centos 7 base install. It turned out to not be as easy as I thought it would be.

When I tried to install owncloud on my CentOS 7 system, I kept getting a 404 error message even though I followed the documentation outlined here.

It turns out that they changed where the RPM is held and apparently forgot to update the documentation. I discovered this by manually navigating to download.suse.org/repositories/isv:ownCloud:community and browsing the directories. The documentation has you grab a repo from Centos_Centos-7 folder, which is broken. It looks like the proper directory is just Centos_7.

I had to remove the old repo, purge the cache, and try again. To do so, remove the .repo file and purge via yum:

cd /etc/yum.repos/d/
rm isv\:ownCloud\:community.repo
yum --enablerepo=isv_ownCloud_community clean metadata
wget http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/isv:ownCloud:community/CentOS_7/isv:ownCloud:community.repo
yum install owncloud

The above procedure is what you should run if you’ve already tried to use the broken link in the documentation and failed. If you haven’t installed owncloud yet, do the following

cd /etc/yum.repos/d/
wget http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/isv:ownCloud:community/CentOS_7/isv:ownCloud:community.repo
yum install owncloud


Fix Owncloud 8.1.1 samba shares not working

It never seems to go smoothly, does it? I just upgraded my version of Owncloud from 8.0.4 to 8.1.1 on my Ubuntu Trusty Tahr 14.04 VM. After the upgrade I noticed that all my samba (SMB) shares were gone. The logs were not very helpful, full of things like these:

Exception: {"Exception":"Icewind\\SMB\\Exception\\InvalidHostException","Message":"","Code":0,"Trace":"#0 \/var\/www\/owncloud\/apps\/files_external\/3rdparty\/icewind\/smb\/src\/Connection.php(37): Icewind\\SMB\\Connection

Additionally errors like this were showing up:

Your web server is not yet set up properly to allow file synchronization because the WebDAV interface seems to be broken.

After much digging I discovered this post which had a suggestion to install libsmbclient-php. In Ubuntu 14.04 it involves this command:

sudo apt-get install php5-libsmbclient

That did the trick! After installing php5-libsmbclient my samba shares worked once more.


Owncloud server did not acknowledge the last chunk error

I experienced an issue with Owncloud today where small files wouldn’t synchronize properly. The error message was

The server did not acknowledge the last chunk. (No e-tag were present)

I could not find a way around this issue. Some googling revealed this page on github. It appears I’m not the only one with this issue.

Deep in the thread, asinteg-daehn provided a workaround for the issue. It’s not ideal, but it works. Rename the file to something else, wait for it to sync, then rename it back.

Currently only found a WORKAROUND: Renaming of all affected files.

  • open activity dialog of OC Client
  • go to each affected file by double clicking on it’s error message
  • rename it by e.g. a prefix “_” -> “_myfile.txt”
  • resync succeeds
  • now rename it back
  • resync should succeed, too

This is very annoying, but a simple workaround.

It worked for me. Hopefully it will work for you too.

Fix owncloud client sync “not valid JSON!” error

Recently I migrated my owncloud installation from one webserver to another. I learned that all you have to do is copy the data/ and config/ directories from your owncloud installation to the new machine’s owncloud folder to migrate everything over.

After the migration, I noticed the Windows desktop sync clients stopped working (android worked fine, though.) The main error messasge was not helpful:

Failed to connect to owncloud at https://servername/path/status.php: Unknown error

I found out from here that you can alter the shortcut for the Windows client and append –logwindow to the Target section. Once that was done, I was able to get more information:

03-02 10:01:27:240 0x50f9ec8 networkjobs.cpp:453 status.php from server is not valid JSON!

Manually navigating to status.php in the browser didn’t reveal anything – it appeared to load normally.

After much digging I found a suggestion to check the admin settings within owncloud. This is where I realized I probably didn’t migrate things properly. There was a big warning about invalid .htaccess files. Progress!

The lack of an .htaccess file made me realize that instead of completely moving the entire folder from the old owncloud install to the new, I needed to copy into the existing new owncloud directory. In moving instead of copying I somehow missed a few important files.

I started over, this time copying all files inside data and config into the new owncloud data and config directories. Apparently the Windows sync client requires valid .htaccess configuration before it will work.  Success!

Refresh owncloud file cache

I came across an issue with owncloud where I had manually placed files in my user directory but the files were not showing up in owncloud. I found from here that you can access the owncloud console directly and trigger a re-scan of your files.

To trigger a re-scan, open up a terminal session to your owncloud server and run the following command:

php /path/of/owncloud/console.php files:scan --all

This will trigger a re-scan of all files for all users. You can replace –all with a userid if you just want to scan a specific user’s folder instead.