Tag Archives: quota

Fix Splunk lockout after exceeded quota

Recently I came across a situation with my home install of Splunk (free license) where the 500MB quota was exceeded three days in a row. I hadn’t checked Splunk for a few days so I was completely blindsided by it. The consequence of going over quota three days in a row? Losing the ability to do any searches in Splunk, which is a real downer.

The easiest, although least convenient, way to fix being locked out is to wait it out. If you go 30 days in a row without violating the license, Splunk will unlock itself. Splunk will still receive and index events during that time. The inability to search makes it really difficult to track down what the problem is, though, and I wasn’t happy waiting for 30 days before getting Splunk back.

Poking around on the Splunk forums I discovered that there is a way to get splunk back – perform a fresh install and then migrate your database and settings over to the fresh install. This involves backing up a few things, then copying them over the fresh install’s default folders

  • $SPLUNK_HOME/var/lib/splunk/defaultdb   #Default Splunk index, where all my data is held. If you have other indexes in here you’ll want to copy them too.
  • $SPLUNK_HOME/etc  #all your configuration files

Simply back up the above folders, install Splunk on a new machine, launch Splunk first so it will generate all the default files, then copy the files over to the new instance.

I went a step further and planned for the future. I wrote a quick and dirty script that will do all of this for you,  even on the same machine – no need to copy to another machine.  The script assumes you’re running a redhat derivative and have the correct Splunk install file in a predictable location. Update the locations of splunk directories and install files as needed and run as root.


#Backup important directories
mkdir /opt/splunkbackup/
cp -al /opt/splunk/etc /opt/splunkbackup/
cp -al /opt/splunk/var/lib/splunk/defaultdb /opt/splunkbackup/

#Nuke splunk
/opt/splunk/bin/splunk stop
rm -rf /opt/splunk

#Reload from fresh start
rpm -iv --replacepkgs /home/nicholas/splunk-6.2.2-255606-linux-2.6-x86_64.rpm
/opt/splunk/bin/splunk start --accept-license

#Restore configuration files and indexes
/opt/splunk/bin/splunk stop
rm -rf /opt/splunk/etc
cp -al /opt/splunkbackup/etc /opt/splunk/
rm -rf /opt/splunk/var/lib/splunk/defaultdb
cp -al /opt/splunkbackup/defaultdb /opt/splunk/var/lib/splunk/
chown splunk:splunk -R /opt/splunk/
/opt/splunk/bin/splunk start

#Remove splunk backup
rm -rf /opt/splunkbackup

This will restore your searches, settings, and data. It won’t restore audit and other internal Splunk information, however. This script worked marvelously in getting my Splunk back.