Tag Archives: Universal Forwarder

Install Splunk Universal Forwarder on Linux

I do this infrequently enough that I decided I should really write this down. Below is the quick and dirty way to get the Splunk universal forwarder installed on a new Linux  system. Thanks to byteschef for the information used to create this guide.

Download the latest splunk .RPM from their site and install it via RPM -i <filename> (if RedHat based) or dpki -i <filename> if debian based.

Run the following commands as root:

cd /opt/splunkforwarder/bin
./splunk start --accept-license
./splunk enable boot-start
./splunk add forward-server <IP/hostname of splunk server>:9997 -auth admin:changeme
./splunk add monitor /var/log
./splunk edit user admin -password NEW_PASSWORD -auth admin:changeme
./splunk restart

If there are any other directories you want monitored other than /var/log (application logs, for example) then issue:

./splunk add monitor <directory to monitor>
