Tag Archives: USG

Wireguard one-way traffic on USG Pro 4 after dual WAN setup

I have a site-to-site VPN between my Ubiquiti USG Pro-4 and an OpenWRT device over wireguard . It’s worked great until I got a secondary WAN connection as a failover connection since my primary cable connection has been flaky lately.

When you introduce dual-WAN on Ubiquiti devices you have to manually configure everything since the GUI assumes only one WAN connection. I configured my manual DNAT (port forwards) for each interface successfully but struggled to figure out why suddenly my Wireguard VPN between my two sites only went one way (remote side could ping all hosts on local side, but not visa-versa.)

After some troubleshooting I realized the firewall itself could ping the remote subnet just fine, it just wasn’t allowing local hosts to do so. I couldn’t find anything in firewall logs. Eventually I came across this very helpful page from hackad.nu that helped me to solve my problem.

The solution was to add a Firewall Modify rule specifically for the eth0 interface (where all my LAN traffic is routed through) to allow the source address of the subnets I want to traverse the VPN, then apply that modifier to the LAN_IN firewall rule for that interface. I had to do it for any VLANs I wanted to be able to use the Wireguard tunnel as well (vifs of eth0, VLAN 50 in my case)

Here is the relevant config.gateway.json sections, namely “firewall” and “interfaces”:

    "firewall": {
        "modify": {
            "Wireguard": {
                "rule": {
                    "10": {
                        "action": "modify",
                        "description": "Allow Wireguard traffic",
                        "modify": {
                            "table": "10"
                        "source": {
                            "address": ""
        "interfaces": {
            "ethernet": {
                "eth0": {
                    "firewall": {
                        "in": {
                            "ipv6-name": "LANv6_IN",
                            "modify": "Wireguard",
                            "name": "LAN_IN"
                    "vif": {
                        "50": {
                            "firewall": {
                                "in": {
                                    "ipv6-name": "LANv6_IN",
                                    "modify": "Wireguard",
                                    "name": "LAN_IN"

This did the trick! Wireguard is working both directions again, this time with my dual WAN connections.

Wireguard on a USG Pro 4

I ran into some issues when trying to configure an OpenVPN tunnel between my Ubiquiti USG Pro 4 and a Debian VPS. I was very disappointed to discover that the version of OpenVPN on the USG only supports TLS 1.0! My issue was the Debian side rejecting that as insecure.

Thankfully, it was fairly painless to get Wireguard configured on the USG Pro 4. I was hesitant to do so at first because I knew every time my USG was updated I would lose the wireguard pacakge. Fortunately that can be resolved by configuring a post-install script. Thanks to ilar.in and calypte.cc and this github gist for the steps on how to do so.

curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/britannic/install-edgeos-packages/master/install-pkgs
sudo install -o root -g root -m 0755 install-pkgs /config/scripts/post-config.d/install-pkgs
  • Add wireguard DEB package to persistent storage that the script will look for:
sudo mkdir -p /config/data/install-packages
cd /config/data/install-packages
curl -fLSs https://github.com/WireGuard/wireguard-vyatta-ubnt/releases/download/1.0.20200729-1/ugw4-v1-v1.0.20200729-v1.0.20200513.deb
  • Generate a public/private keypair for USG use
cd /config/auth
umask 077
wg genkey > wg_private.key
wg pubkey < wg_private.key > wg_public.key
  • Generate config.gateway.json config to use wireguard
    "interfaces": {
        "wireguard": {
            "wg0": {
                "address": "<IP_OF_USG_ON_WG_CLIENT_SUBNET>",
                "listen-port": "<WG_LISTEN_PORT>",
                "peer": {
                    "<ENDPOINT_CLIENT_PUBLIC_KEY>": {
                        "allowed-ips": "",
                        "endpoint":  "<ENDPOINT_CLIENT_ADDRESS>:<ENDPOINT_CLIENT_PORT>
                "private-key": "/config/auth/priv.key",
                "route-allowed-ips": false
            "wg1": {
                "address": "<IP_OF_USG_ON_WG_SERVER_SUBNET",
                "firewall": {
                    "in": {
                        "name": "LAN_IN"
                    "local": {
                        "name": "LAN_LOCAL"
                    "out": {
                        "name": "LAN_OUT"
                "listen-port": "<USG_WG_SERVER_LISTEN_PORT>",
                "mtu": "1352",
                "peer": {
                    "<PUBLIC_KEY_OF_WG_CONNECTING_CLIENT": {
                        "allowed-ips": "<SUBNETS_ON_REMOTE_HOST>"
                "private-key": "/config/auth/wg-server.priv",
                "route-allowed-ips": true

I have two different wireguard interfaces configured – wg0 to be a client to another server, and wg1 to be a server accepting other clients (site-to-site VPN.)

If you want to have multiple peers defined on a single wireguard interface, encapsulate the peers with brackets like so:

"peer": [{
						"--pubkey--": {
							"allowed-ips": [
							"persistent-keepalive": 60
						"--pubkey--": {
							"allowed-ips": [
							"persistent-keepalive": 60

Test configuration first

Before committing your config.gateway.json code, test it line by line by SSHing into the USG-Pro 4 and entering config mode. Then type out your JSON lines one at a time, with each key being a new argument separated by a space. The first section above would look like this:

edit interfaces
set wireguard wg0 address WIREGUARD_ADDRESS
set wireguard wg0 listen-port WG_LISTEN_PORT
set wireguard wg0 peer ENDPOINT_CLIENT_PUBLIC_KEY allowed-ips
set wireguard wg0 private-key /config/auth/priv.key
set wireguard wg0 route-allowed-ips false

If the commit works without error, you can then drop out of the configure section and look at your wireguard config:

sudo wg show

If all looks well, then copy your config.gateway.json to your controller and trigger a reprovision.

Verify after provisioning: 

sudo netstat -npl | grep <WIREGUARD_PORT> | grep udp


USG not connecting to changed endpoint address

If you change the address of the wireguard endpoint, USG pro will not connect to that new address. You have to delete and re-create the interface (thanks to https://github.com/Lochnair/vyatta-wireguard/issues/72#issuecomment-423840448 for the information)

Fix this by deleting the wireguard interface

admin@Firewall:~$ configure
admin@Firewall# delete interfaces wireguard
admin@Firewall# commit

Then reprovision by making a small change, force provision, then change back, and force another provision (annoying) or alternatively reboot firewall.

Wireguard shows established but ping doesn’t work

Example error:

From icmp_seq=5 Destination Host Unreachable
ping: sendmsg: Required key not available

To figure out what’s going on, enable logging to kernel buffer (dmesg) Thanks to procustodibus.com for the info.

echo module wireguard +p > /sys/kernel/debug/dynamic_debug/control

With debug on, ping again and check kernel messages (dmesg)

[Tue Dec 21 22:16:12 2021] wireguard: wg0: No peer has allowed IPs matching

This showed I didn’t have my access control properly configured. Modify /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf on your client config and make sure your AllowedIPs are properly letting traffic through.

AllowedIPs =

USG not allowing connections

Clients unable to connect to USG despite having a good config. Double check your firewall rules. I had neglected to create a WAN LOCAL rule allowing UDP packets on my wireguard port. Once that was configured, handshakes completed successfully.

Firewalls can’t ping each other

I had an issue where the firewalls would pass traffic through, but they couldn’t ping each other. The solution was to add the VPN subnet you created to allowed-ips on both sides of the connection.

Migrating from OPNSense to Ubiquiti Unifi Secure Gateway

I love the Ubiquiti Unifi interface. The only thing missing in my environment was the gateway. I had no complaints with my OPNSense firewall, but that missing section on the Unifi controller homepage haunted me, so I took the plunge and got a Unifi Secure Gateway Pro 4.

Basic Configuration

Initial setup

Official documentation is pretty detailed. Before you install your USG you will want to go into your controller and define your current network by going to Settings / Networks / LAN. This is where you specify DHCP scope and settings. I did not do this and struggled to get DHCP running properly as a result. Be sure to also set NTP settings, as these will also be applied to your USG.

To configure your USG for adoption, hop on the network and sign into via a web browser. Username and password are both ubnt. On this screen you can specify WAN and LAN settings. Configure your USG to match the network and gateway settings you’ve defined in your controller and hit apply. Now you can go into your controller and adopt the firewall into your environment.


Basic port forwarding rules, static routes, and firewall rules can all be handled in the controller GUI via settings / Routing & Firewall. The GUI assumes your gateway only has one public IP address going to it. If you have multiple public IPs then you will need to configure them in config.gateway.json (see the Advanced Configuration section below.)


As stated in the Initial Setup section, this is handled by the controller. You can specify a DHCP scope in the USG’s limited web interface but any settings there are quickly overwritten by the controller pushing out its configuration.

DHCP reservations are handled in the controller via the clients tab (on the left.) Open the client you want to make a reservation for, click the settings cog (top right), click Network, then click “Use Fixed IP Address” and specify the IP you want that device to use.

You can also specify advanced DHCP settings under Settings / Services / DHCP.

Seeing active DHCP leases requires dropping to the CLI on the USG. SSH into the USG and run:

show dhcp leases

Traffic limiting

You can create User Groups in the Unifi interface which define maximum bandwidth usage. You can then assign that User group to a specific client in the Unifi interface.


The Unifi GUI only supports Destination NAT (DNAT) and only supports the gateway’s WAN IP. You can configure this via settings / Routing & Firewall / Port Forwarding. For more advanced configuration, see below.

Advanced Configuration

A major downside of the USG is that the Unifi interface, while awesome, is extremely limited when it comes to Firewall functions. Thus, most configuration has to be done in the command line to get it to compete with OPNSense.

The core concept with the Unifi ecosystem is that devices are controlled by the Unifi Network Management controller. Thus, with the USG, any changes made to the firewall itself are overwritten by the controller on next provision.

In order to persist any command line changes you make, you must create a config.gateway.json file as outlined here, then copy it to your controller, which will then push the config to your USG on each provision. You will run into problems if you get this json file wrong (reboot loops) so you want to be very sure everything is correct in that file. I recommend a json validator (or an IDE like VS Code.)

One good shortcut I’ve found when googling how to do things is to simply use “edgerouter” instead of “USG” for the search term. The syntax to configure the edgerouter is identical (they both run EdgeOS.)

The most foolproof way to get a config.gateway.json that works is to run the configure commands manually on your USG, then when everything is how you want it, run this command to generate the running config in json format:

mca-ctrl -t dump-cfg > config.txt

You can then read config.txt and look for the specific settings you configured and save them into your config.gateway.json. The JSON syntax follows the CLI commands, with each part of the command broken into different brackets and quotes. An example config.gateway.json looks like this:

  "service": {
    "nat": {
      "rule": {
        "4500": {
          "description": "port_forward_WAN2",
          "destination": {
            "address": "",
            "port": "22"
          "inbound-interface": "eth3",
          "inside-address": {
            "address": ""
          "protocol": "tcp",
          "type": "destination"
  "vpn": {
    "ipsec": {
      "site-to-site": {
        "peer": {
          "yyyy.ignorelist.com": {
            "authentication": {
              "id": "xxxx.ignorelist.com"
            "local-address": "xxxx.ignorelist.com"


Use the static-host-mapping parameter to specify static DNS entries. Make sure the fqdn is listed in your config, otherwise they may or may not work. Example snippet:

  "system": {
    "static-host-mapping": {
      "host-name": {
        "firewall": {
          "inet": [

Live traffic graphs

Sadly there is no live / realtime graphs in the UniFi interface. It’s still possible to get that information if you drop to CLI; however the utilities to see this are not installed by default – you will need to install them (iftop & bmon in my case.) Thanks to this helpful reddit post that got me going.

As of this writing the USG PRO 4 is based in Debian Wheezy, so you will need to add those repositories to the device in order to use apt-get to install iftop & bmon.

Be sure not to get the wrong Debian version. Also be sure not to issue apt-get upgrade – bad things will happen in both cases and you will need to hard reset your device to fix them.

You can add the repositories using the firewall configure command. These can be translated into a config.gateway.json if desired, but I decided not to since this is a pretty low level change that you might not want to happen on future devices. Also note that you will have to re-install these tools after a firmware upgrade.

#Main wheezy archive
set system package repository wheezy components 'main contrib non-free'
set system package repository wheezy distribution wheezy
set system package repository wheezy url 'http://archive.debian.org/debian/'

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install iftop bmon

If you want to undo the above changes, substitute set with delete:

#to remove:
delete system package repository wheezy

1:1 NAT

For 1:1 NAT you need 3 NAT rules (Destination NAT, Source NAT, and Hairpin NAT) and a corresponding firewall rule. Example:

    "service": {
        "nat": {
            "rule": {
                "1000": {
                    "description": "Mail 1:1 DNAT",
                    "destination": {
                        "address": "",
                        "port": "25,80,443,465,587,993,995"
                    "inbound-interface": "pppoe0",
                    "inside-address": {
                        "address": ""
                    "protocol": "tcp",
                    "type": "destination"
                "3000": {
                    "description": "Mail 1:1 Hairpin NAT",
                    "destination": {
                        "address": "",
                        "port": "25,80,443,465,587,993,995"
                    "inbound-interface": "eth0",
                    "inside-address": {
                        "address": ""
                    "protocol": "tcp",
                    "type": "destination"
                "5000": {
                    "description": "Mail 1:1 SNAT",
                    "type": "source",
                    "source": {
                        "address": ""
        "firewall": {
            "name": {
                "WAN_IN": {
                    "rule": {
                        "1000": {
                            "action": "accept",
                            "description": "Mail 1:1 DNAT",
                            "destination": {
                                "address": "",
                                "port": "25,80,443,465,587,993,995"
                            "protocol": "tcp",
                            "log": "enable"

OpenVPN Site to Site

My OPNSense router had a site-to-site OpenVPN going with an OpenWRT router. Details on how to configure this are in a separate blog post here.

That covers the basics of what my OPNSense firewall was doing. It’s a bit of a learning curve but once I got past that it’s been working really well.

OPENVPN site to site vpn between USG and openwrt

A new firewall means a new site to site VPN configuration. My current iteration of this is a USG Pro 4 serving as an OpenVPN server and a Netgear Nighthawk R8000 serving as a VPN client joining their two networks together.

First, I had to wrap my head around some concepts. To set this up you need three sets of certificates and a DH file:

  • CA: To generate and validate certificates
  • Server: To encrypt/decrypt traffic for the Server
  • Client: To encrypt/decrypt traffic from the Client
  • DH: Not a certificate but still needed by the server for encryption

The server and client will also need openvpn configurations containing matching encryption/hashing methods, CA public key, and protocol/port settings.

Generate certificates

If you already have PKI infrastructure in place you simply need to generate two sets of keys and a DH file for the server/client to use. If you don’t, the easy-rsa project comes to the rescue. This tutorial uses easy-rsa version 3.

I didn’t want to generate the certificates on my firewall so I picked a Debian system to do the certificate generation. First, install easy-rsa:

sudo apt install easy-rsa

In Debian easy-rsa is installed to /usr/share/easy-rsa/

Optional: Set desired variables by moving /usr/share/easy-rsa/vars.example to /usr/share/easy-rsa/vars and un-commenting / editing to suit your needs (in my case I like to extend the life of my certificates beyond two years.)

Next, create your PKI and generate CA certificates:

/usr/share/easy-rsa/easyrsa init-pki
/usr/share/easy-rsa/easyrsa build-ca

Now create your DH file. Grab a cup of coffee for this one, it can take up to ten minutes to complete:

/usr/share/easy-rsa/easyrsa gen-dh

Then create your server & client certificates. For this guide we are calling the server ovpn-server and the client ovpn-client

#For the server
/usr/share/easy-rsa/easyrsa gen-req ovpn-server nopass 
/usr/share/easy-rsa/easyrsa sign-req server ovpn-server

#For the client
/usr/share/easy-rsa/easyrsa gen-req ovpn-client nopass
/usr/share/easy-rsa/easyrsa sign-req client ovpn-client

You will be asked for a common name. Remember what you put here, you will need it later. If you just hit enter and accept the default the common name will match what was passed in the above commands (ovpn-server for the server certificate and ovpn-client for the client certificate.)

Lastly, copy these files to their respective hosts:

USG Server: CA, Server key & cert, and DH file. (substitute with IP of your device)

scp pki/dh.pem pki/ca.crt pki/private/ovpn-server.key  pki/issued/ovpn-server.crt admin@IP_OF_YOUR_USG:/config/auth/

OpenWRT Client: Client key & cert, and CA cert:

scp pki/private/ovpn-client.key pki/issued/ovpn-client.crt pki/ca.crt root@IP_OF_YOUR_OPENWRT:/etc/config/

USG: VPN Server

Documentation for the EdgeRouter is much easier to find than for the USG. Since they use the same operating system I based this off of this guide from Logan Marchione for the EdgeRouter. SSH into your USG and issue the following, substituting the $variables with the values you desire for your network.

Explanation of variables:

VPN_SUBNET: Used for VPN communication. Must be different from both server and client subnets.
SERVER_SUBNET: Subnet on server side you wish to pass to client network
VPN_PORT: Change this to desired listening port for the OpenVPN server
REMOTE_SUBNET: Subnet on client side you wish to pass to server network
REMOTE_NETMASK: Netmask of client subnet
REMOTE_VPN_IP: Static IP you wish to give the client on the VPN subnet.
REMOTE_CERT_NAME: Common name given to client certificate generated previously.

Replace $variables below before pasting into USG terminal:

#OpenVPN config
set interfaces openvpn vtun0
set interfaces openvpn vtun0 description "OpenVPN Site to Site"
set interfaces openvpn vtun0 mode server
set interfaces openvpn vtun0 encryption aes256
set interfaces openvpn vtun0 hash sha256
set interfaces openvpn vtun0 server subnet $VPN_SUBNET
set interfaces openvpn vtun0 server push-route $SERVER_SUBNET
set interfaces openvpn vtun0 tls ca-cert-file /config/auth/ca.crt
set interfaces openvpn vtun0 tls cert-file /config/auth/ovpn-client.crt
set interfaces openvpn vtun0 tls key-file /config/auth/ovpn-client.key
set interfaces openvpn vtun0 tls dh-file /config/auth/dh.pem
set interfaces openvpn vtun0 openvpn-option "--port $VPN_PORT"
set interfaces openvpn vtun0 openvpn-option --tls-server
set interfaces openvpn vtun0 openvpn-option "--comp-lzo yes"
set interfaces openvpn vtun0 openvpn-option --persist-key
set interfaces openvpn vtun0 openvpn-option --persist-tun
set interfaces openvpn vtun0 openvpn-option "--keepalive 10 120"
set interfaces openvpn vtun0 openvpn-option "--user nobody"
set interfaces openvpn vtun0 openvpn-option "--group nogroup"
set interfaces openvpn vtun0 openvpn-option "--route $REMOTE_SUBNET $REMOTE_NETMASK $REMOTE_VPN_IP"
set interfaces openvpn vtun0 server client $REMOTE_CERT_NAME ip $REMOTE_VPN_IP
set interfaces openvpn vtun0 server client $REMOTE_CERT_NAME subnet $REMOTE_SUBNET $REMOTE_NETMASK

#Firewall config
set firewall name WAN_LOCAL rule 50 action accept
set firewall name WAN_LOCAL rule 50 description "OpenVPN Site to Site"
set firewall name WAN_LOCAL rule 50 destination port $VPN_PORT
set firewall name WAN_LOCAL rule 50 log enable
set firewall name WAN_LOCAL rule 50 protocol udp

If the code above commits successfully, the next step is to add the config to config.gateway.json. The USG’s config is managed by its Unifi controller, so for any of the changes made above to stick we must copy them to /usr/lib/unifi/data/sites/default/config.gateway.json on the controller (create the file if it doesn’t already exist.)

A quick shortcut is to run the mca-ctrl -t dump-cfg command, then parse out the parts you want to go into config.gateway.json as outlined in the UniFi documentation. For the lazy, here is the config.gateway.json generated from the above commands (be sure to modify $variables to suit your needs.)

  "firewall": {
    "WAN_LOCAL": {
      "rule": {
        "50": {
          "action": "accept",
          "description": "OpenVPN Site to Site",
          "destination": {
            "port": "$VPN_PORT"
          "log": "enable",
          "protocol": "udp"
  "interfaces": {
    "openvpn": {
      "vtun0": {
        "description": "OpenVPN Site to Site",
        "encryption": "aes256",
        "hash": "sha256",
        "mode": "server",
        "openvpn-option": [
          "--port $VPN_PORT",
          "--comp-lzo yes",
          "--keepalive 10 120",
          "--user nobody",
          "--group nogroup",
        "server": {
          "client": {
            "$REMOTE_CERT_NAME": {
              "ip": "$REMOTE_VPN_IP",
              "subnet": [
          "push-route": [
          "subnet": "$VPN_SUBNET"
        "tls": {
          "ca-cert-file": "/config/auth/ca.crt",
          "cert-file": "/config/auth/ovpn-client.crt",
          "dh-file": "/config/auth/dh.pem",
          "key-file": "/config/auth/ovpn-client.key"

OpenWRT: VPN client

Configuration is doable from the GUI but I found much easier with the command line. I got a lot of the configuration from this gist from braian87b

Install openvpn and the luci-app-openvpn packages:

opkg update
opkg install openvpn luci-app-openvpn

OpenVPN config files are located in /etc/config. In addition to the certificates we copied there earlier, we will also want to copy the openvpn client configuration to that directory.

Here is the config file matching the configuration generated above. Again, remember to replace $variables with your config matching what was generated above. Save it to /etc/config/site2site.conf

dev tun
proto udp
cipher AES-256-CBC
auth SHA256
resolv-retry infinite
comp-lzo yes
verb 3
ca /etc/config/ca.crt
cert /etc/config/ovpn-client.crt
key /etc/config/ovpn-client.key
remote-cert-tls server

With the openvpn config file, client certificate & key, and CA certificate we are ready to configure firewall rules and instruct the router to initiate the VPN connection.

# a new OpenVPN instance:
uci set openvpn.site2site=openvpn
uci set openvpn.site2site.enabled='1'
uci set openvpn.site2site.config='/etc/config/site2site.conf'

# a new network interface for tun:
uci set network.site2sitevpn=interface
uci set network.site2sitevpn.proto='none' #dhcp #none
uci set network.site2sitevpn.ifname='tun0'

# a new firewall zone (for VPN):
uci add firewall zone
uci set firewall.@zone[-1].name='vpn'
uci set firewall.@zone[-1].input='ACCEPT'
uci set firewall.@zone[-1].output='ACCEPT'
uci set firewall.@zone[-1].forward='ACCEPT'
uci set firewall.@zone[-1].masq='1'
uci set firewall.@zone[-1].mtu_fix='1'
uci add_list firewall.@zone[-1].network='site2sitevpn'

# enable forwarding from LAN to VPN:
uci add firewall forwarding
uci set firewall.@forwarding[-1].src='lan'
uci set firewall.@forwarding[-1].dest='vpn'

# Finally, you should commit UCI changes:
uci commit

Monitor VPN connection progress by using logread. If all goes well you will see the successful connection established message. If not, you’ll be able to get an idea of what’s wrong.

logread -f

If all goes well you’ll now have a bidirectional VPN between your two sites; however, traffic from the server’s subnet going directly to the client router itself (the OpenWRT device’s IP) will be considered as coming from the WAN interface and will be blocked. If you need to access the OpenWRT device directly from the USG’s subnet, you’ll need to add a firewall rule allowing it to do so:

uci add firewall rule
uci set firewall.@rule[-1]=rule
uci set firewall.@rule[-1].enabled='1'
uci set firewall.@rule[-1].target='ACCEPT'
uci set firewall.@rule[-1].src='wan'
uci set firewall.@rule[-1].name='Allow VPN to access router'
uci set firewall.@rule[-1].src_ip='$SERVER_SUBNET'
uci set firewall.@rule[-1].dest_ip='$INTERNALL_IP_OF_OPENWRT_ROUTER'
uci commit


One-sided VPN

I fought for some time with the fact that the VPN was established, but only traffic going from the Client network to the Server network would work. Traffic from the OpenVPN server subnet to the OpenVPN client subnet would simply hang and not work.

I finally found on the ubiquiti forums that this is due to default OpenVPN behavior of restricting traffic from the server subnet to the client subnet (see the OpenVPN how-to for more information.) The solution is to add lines in the server config informing it of the client network and to allow traffic to it. Below is an example USG config allowing informing it of remote subnet 192.168.230/24 and assigning the Client an IP of

set interfaces openvpn vtun5 server client client1 ip
set interfaces openvpn vtun5 server client client1 subnet

VPN status stays “stopped” in OpenWRT

The best way to troubleshoot is to look at the logs in realtime. SSH to the OpenWRT router and run the command “logread -f” then try to initiate the connection again. The errors there will point you to the problem.

Automate USG config deploy with Ubiquiti API in Bash

I have a new Ubiquiti Unifi Security Gateway Pro 4 which is pretty neat; however, the Unifi web interface is pretty limited. Most advanced firewall functions must be configured outside of the GUI. One must create a .json file with the configuration they need, copy that file to the Unifi controller, and then force a provision of the gateway to get it to pick up the new config.

I wanted a way to automate this process but very frustratingly Ubiquiti hasn’t documented their Unifi Controller API. I had to resort to reverse engineering their API by using my browser’s developer console to figure out which API calls were needed to do what I wanted. I then took the API functions from https://dl.ui.com/unifi/5.10.25/unifi_sh_api (the current unifi controller software download link which has unifi_sh_api) and embedded them into a bash script. Thanks to this forum post for the information on how to do this.

This bash script copies the specified config file to the Unifi controller via SCP, then uses curl to issue the API call to tell the controller to force a provision to the device having the supplied mac address.

# Written by Nick Jeppson 08/01/2019
# Inspired by posts made from ubiquiti forums: https://community.ui.com/questions/API/82a3a9c7-60da-4ec2-a4d1-cac68e86b53c
# API interface functions taken from unifi_sh_api shipped with controller version 5.10.25, https://dl.ui.com/unifi/5.10.25/unifi_sh_api
# This bash script copies the specified config file to the Unifi controller via SCP
# It then uses curl to issue an API call to tell the controller to force a provision to the device with the supplied mac address. 

#Fill out to match your environment

gateway_mac="12:34:56:78:90:ab" #MAC address of the gateway you wish to manage
config_file="your_config_file.json"   #Path to config file
unifi_server="unifi_server_name"         #Name/IP of unifi controller server
unifi_gateway_path="/usr/lib/unifi/data/sites/default/config.gateway.json"    #Path to config.gateway.json on the controller
ssh_user="root"                 #User to SSH to controller as
username="unifi_admin_username"             #Unifi username
password="unifi_admin_password" #Unifi password
baseurl="https://unifi_server_name:8443" #Unifi URL
site="default"                  #Unifi site the gateway resides in


#Copy updated config to controller
scp $config_file $ssh_user@$unifi_server:$unifi_gateway_path

#API interface functions
curl_cmd="curl --tlsv1 --silent --cookie ${cookie} --cookie-jar ${cookie} --insecure "
unifi_login() {
    # authenticate against unifi controller
    ${curl_cmd} --data "{\"username\":\"$username\", \"password\":\"$password\"}" $baseurl/api/login

unifi_logout() {
    # logout
    ${curl_cmd} $baseurl/logout

unifi_api() {
    if [ $# -lt 1 ] ; then
        echo "Usage: $0 <uri> [json]"
        echo "    uri example /stat/sta "
    [ "${uri:0:1}" != "/" ] && uri="/$uri"
    [ "$json" = "" ] && json="{}"
    ${curl_cmd} --data "$json" $baseurl/api/s/$site$uri

#Trigger a provision
unifi_api /cmd/devmgr {\"mac\": \"$gateway_mac\", \"cmd\": \"force-provision\"}

No more manually clicking provision after manually editing the config file on the controller!