Thank-you, Peter Kleissner, for saving me from having to use my time machine to simply update my server’s BIOS:
Supermicro IPMI License Key (for updating BIOS) = HMAC-SHA1-96(INPUT: MAC address of BMC, SECRET KEY: 85 44 E3 B4 7E CA 58 F9 58 30 43 F8)
echo -n 'bmc-mac' | xxd -r -p | openssl dgst -sha1 -mac HMAC -macopt hexkey:8544E3B47ECA58F9583043F8 | awk '{print $2}' | cut -c 1-24
This doesnt seem to be working on any of my servers
Just tried this – worked perfect on my X9DRi-F.
Works for X9 machines… no longer for X10 ipmi’s ;(
It worked for my X10SDV-TLNF4, with newest IPMI firmware (1.68)
It can be improved a bit. Add:
| fold -w4 | paste -sd’-‘ –
to the end of command, so it will be formatted with dashes.
Then it could be used in such command:
./sum -i -u ADMIN1 -p PASSWORD1 -c ActivateProductKey –key $(
Ah, good catch. Thanks!
Thank you so much, you saved me $30!! i couldn’t update my bios the regular way.
Thanks. I had a CPU that required a later version than what was on the board when it arrived. Updated the BIOS without a CPU no worries. X11SCL-F
I’m glad to hear that’s possible!
Angus curious if you’re using ECC RAM with that board or managed to get non-ECC to work?
I generated the key but the place to enter the key is not present in my IPMI webgui???
Maintenance –> BIOS Update
There you can enter the key if its not already enabled
Thank you very much for your solution!
My X10SRM-TF ate the key without any problem.
My Supermicro X11SSH-TF accepted the key! Thanks a lot for sharing, saved me a lot of hassle.
Works on X11SCL-IF.
Worked on my X11SCH-F, thanks!
Thanks! Worked for me… 11SDV-4C-TP8F
Worked on H11SSL-NC. Thanks!
confirmed to work on a X11SDV motherboard. But I have to input the key in a Chrome based browser(I use edge), it does not work in Firefox 80.0.1.
Many thanks, works great on my X11SDV
OMG! I love how the people help us to reengineer cryptography especially from the vendors who are brutal and outrageous for charging license from home lab owners! One thumb up!
Works with X11 M/B
BTW, I can’t even pay for there license key because I can’t fine someone who sell it!
Thx! It works for me!
Thank you a million. Saved my machine. I don’t really want to wait around for supermicro to email me back eventually and have to maybe pay for it. Though if it was only $30 I would happily pay it. Amazing work
Works very well on X11DDW-L
I have a X12SCA-F and that asks for a licence file to be uploaded, but it just complains the file is in the wrong format. The only section which seems to need the licence is Mouse Mode under remote control.
Mind you the board is that new that there are no BIOS updates and the IPMI is very flaky, sometimes I can get into the BIOS sometimes not.
Same issue regarding needing a file to be uploaded and showing the wrong format. Did you figure out the format required?
Same Problem here.
Seems that SuperMicro changed the way of activating the license between X11 and X12 (and presumably between H11 and H12) generations. Their eStore manual notes that you get a key string from their key generation tool for X11 based systems, while for X12 based systems you get a key file. See “How to Generate Out of Band (OOB) Keys”: ( => “Resources”). I’m afraid you’re out of luck with your board, at least with this method.
Works on a X11SSL-F.
…this is so awesome…
and it works on a
…and therefore also on a
A+ Server 5019D-FTN4
i assume that i have to have a POSTing machine wihich is failing at cpu stage? My board (x10dri-ln4+) wont post with INTEL error B7, possibel to still get into ipmi??
It worked on X11SSW-F.
It works on my X11SSM-F.
Try this link, WAY easier and works great.
goddamn – you’re great.
echo -n ‘bmc-mac’ | xxd -r -p | openssl dgst -sha1 -mac HMAC -macopt hexkey:8544E3B47ECA58F9583043F8 | awk ‘{print $2}’ | cut -c 1-24 | awk ‘{print substr($1,1,4),”-“,substr($1,5,4),”-“,substr($1,9,4),”-“,substr($1,13,4),”-“,substr($1,17,4),”-“,substr($1,21,4)}’
an PHP implementation:
public function calcActivationCode(string $BMC_MAC) {
return implode(
‘ – ‘, array_slice(
‘sha1’, hex2bin(
‘![^A-F0-9]!i’, ”, $BMC_MAC
), hex2bin(‘8544E3B47ECA58F9583043F8’)
), 4), 0, 6)
Looking for a similar solution for ibm/lenovo 3650m4, anyone got a clue on that? hard to get a license for a resonably cost on a end-of-life machine like that :\
Works a treat on a H11DSi and a X11DPI-N. Thanks a million!
Works great on X11 Mainboards! Thank you!
For OOB license it works well.
May somebody to change or make licgen to generate DCMS license to have ability to attach ISO to Html5 console ?
It’ s 344 characters …
Which was totally unexpected d*ck move from Supermicro
Works great on X11SCL-IF ! Thank you ;o)
Anuything for DCMS license?
Great! Test good on X10SLLF
Confirmed last night that this still works on X10DRI. Thank you so much for this awesome tool.
Confirmed worked on H11SSL-i latest version 1.52.15
Thank you so much
Information about the DCMS key is here:
Confirmed working on a X11SSL-F, but I used this website instead of the script
I own a X10SRM-TF and used the keygen. It accepted it without any complaints. But I cannot see any of the virtual media stuff. Is there a way to replace the key and try it again?
Hi, please check the notes here to remove the key and generate a new one:
Thanks, worked great for X11SCL-F using
Thank you.
Worked well on a X10SLM+-LN4F
Worked on H11DSI, like a charm. thanks
I enabled Windows Subsystem for Linux
Installed Ubuntu and Ran Command
Mac address Without colons
Worked great on my X11SPM-F
Thanks, works great on my X11SPI
Thank you so much!
Holy shit, thanks for sharing this!