Category Archives: OS

proxmox openvswitch bond

Recently I had to switch my Proxmox server which was using Linux bonds to using openvswitch. These are my notes:

Install openvswitch:

apt install openvswitch-switch

Configure openvswitch to bond interfaces and use VLANs using as an example:

allow-vmbr0 bond0
iface bond0 inet manual
	ovs_bonds enp4s0f0 eno1
	ovs_type OVSBond
	ovs_bridge vmbr0
	ovs_options bond_mode=active-backup

auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

iface eno1 inet manual

iface enp4s0f0 inet manual

allow-ovs vmbr0
iface vmbr0 inet manual
	ovs_type OVSBridge
	ovs_ports bond0 vlan50 vlan10

#Proxmox communication
allow-vmbr0 vlan50
iface vlan50 inet static
  ovs_type OVSIntPort
  ovs_bridge vmbr0
  ovs_options tag=50
  ovs_extra set interface ${IFACE} external-ids:iface-id=$(hostname -s)-${IFACE}-vif

#Storage network
allow-vmbr0 vlan10
iface vlan10 inet static
  ovs_type OVSIntPort
  ovs_bridge vmbr0
  ovs_options tag=10
  ovs_extra set interface ${IFACE} external-ids:iface-id=$(hostname -s)-${IFACE}-vif

List active interface:

ovs-appctl bond/show bond0

Update 3/14/2020

I realized that openvswitch won’t fail back over to the original slave once it comes back online. I couldn’t for the life of me find the equivalent of bond-primary syntax for openvswitch; however I did find this command:

ovs-appctl list-commands

which reveals this command:

bond/set-active-slave port slave

So you can manually fallback using this command:

ovs-appctl bond/set-active-slave bond0 enp4s0f1

chroot into encrypted drive

I foolishly went browsing in my EFI partition on my Ubuntu (Elementary OS) laptop and decided to delete the Ubuntu folder. This made my laptop unbootable. This was my procedure to bring it back to life:

Boot into Ubuntu Live CD / USB environment

Decrypt LUKS encrypted drive (

sudo fdisk -l
#Determine encrypted partition is /dev/nvme0n1p3 because it's the largest
sudo cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/nvme0n1p3 encrypted_device
sudo vgchange -ay

Mount encrypted drive & chroot (

sudo mount /dev/elementary-vg/root /mnt
sudo mount /dev/nvme0n1p2 /mnt/boot/
sudo mount /dev/nvme0n1p1 /mnt/boot/efi
for i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys /run; do sudo mount -B $i /mnt$i; done
sudo chroot /mnt
sudo grub-install

#end chroot & unmount
for i in /mnt/dev/pts /mnt/dev  /mnt/proc /mnt/sys /mnt/run /mnt/boot/efi /mnt/boot /mnt; do sudo umount $i;  done

proxmox bond not present fix

I really banged my head on the wall on this one. I recently decided to re-architect my networking setup in proxmox to utilize bonded network configuration. I followed this writeup exactly. The problem is it didn’t work.

I would copy the example exactly, only changing the interface name, and yet every time I tried to start the networking service I would get this lovely error:

rawdevice bond0 not present

I finally found on the Debian Wiki one critical line :

First install the ifenslave package, necessary to enable bonding

For some reason the ProxMox howtos don’t speak of this – I guess because it comes installed by default. I discovered, however, that if you install ifupdown2 it removes ifenslave. I had installed ifupdown2 in the past to reload network configuration without rebooting. Aha!

I re-installed ifenslave (which removed ifupdown2 and re-installed ifupdown) and suddenly, the bond worked!

Bond not falling back to primary intrerface

I had configured my bond in active – backup mode. I wanted it to prefer the faster link, but if there was a failure in that link it wouldn’t switch back automatically (thanks to this site for showing me the command to check:

cat /proc/net/bonding/bond0

I read again in Debian bonding wiki that I needed to add this directive to the bond:

        bond-primary enp2s0

Here is my complete working active-backup configuration, assigning vlan 2 to the host, and making enp2s0 (the 10gig nic) the primary, with a 1gig backup (eno1)

auto bond0
iface bond0 inet manual
        slaves enp2s0 eno1
        bond-primary enp2s0
        bond_miimon 100
        bond_mode active-backup

iface bond0.2 inet manual

auto vmbr0v2
iface vmbr0v2 inet static
        bridge_ports bond0.2
        bridge_stp off
        bridge_fd 0

auto vmbr0
iface vmbr0 inet manual
        bridge_ports bond0
        brideg_stp off
        bridge_fd 0

Fix proxmox iommu operation not permitted

In trying to passthrough some LSI SAS cards to a VM I kept receiving this error:

kvm: -device vfio-pci,host=0000:03:00.0,id=hostpci0,bus=ich9-pcie-port-1,addr=0x0,rombar=0: vfio 0000:03:00.0: failed to setup container for group 7: Failed to set iommu for container: Operation not permitted

I found on this post that the fix is to add a line to /etc/modprobe.d/vfio.conf with the following:

options vfio_iommu_type1 allow_unsafe_interrupts=1

then reboot the host. It worked in my case!

use zdb to remove pesky device from zfs pool

I had the following problem with a device in my pool:


        NAME                                            STATE     READ WRITE CKSUM
        storage                                         DEGRADED     0     0     0
          mirror-0                                      ONLINE       0     0     0
            WORKING_DISK_1  ONLINE       0     0     0
            WORKING_DISK_2    ONLINE       0   0     0
          mirror-1                                      DEGRADED     0     0     0
            WORKING_DISK_3  ONLINE       0     0     0
            replacing-1                                 DEGRADED     0     0     0
              PROBLEM_DISK  FAULTED      6     1     0  too many errors

However when I tried to replace the drive I got this message:

no such device in pool

I found here that you can use zdb to obtain the GUID of the problem device and replace it that way:

root@nas:~# zdb -l PROBLEM_DISK
failed to unpack label 0
    version: 5000
    name: 'storage'
    state: 0
    txg: 5675107
    pool_guid: 8785893899843624400
    errata: 0
    hostname: 'nas'
    top_guid: 9425730683443378041
    guid: 3449631978925631053
    vdev_children: 2
        type: 'mirror'
        id: 1
        guid: 9425730683443378041
        metaslab_array: 41
        metaslab_shift: 35
        ashift: 12
        asize: 4000782221312
        is_log: 0
        create_txg: 4
            type: 'disk'
            id: 0
            guid: 17168510556101954329
            path: 'WORKING_DISK_3'
            devid: 'WORKING_DISK_3_ID'
            phys_path: 'pci-0000:00:1f.2-ata-2'
            whole_disk: 1
            DTL: 14700
            create_txg: 4
            type: 'disk'
            id: 1
    ----->  guid: 3449631978925631053
            path: 'PROBLEM_DISK'
            devid: 'PROBLEM_DISK_ID'
            phys_path: 'pci-0000:00:1f.2-ata-4'
            whole_disk: 1
            DTL: 14699
            create_txg: 4
    labels = 1 2 3 

I used the guid of the problem disk, and all was well:

zpool replace storage 3449631978925631053 NEW_WORKING_DISK

worked instead of complaining the device I was trying to replace didn’t exist.

Proxmox HA management script

I was a bit frustrated at the lack of certain functions of ProxMox. I wanted an easy way to tag a VM and manage that tag as a group. My solution was to create HA groups for VMs with various functions. I can then manage the group and tell them to migrate storage or turn off & on.

I wrote a script to facilitate this. Right now it only covers powering on, powering off, and migrating the location of the primary disk, but more is to come.

Here’s what I have so far:

#Proxmox HA management script
#Migrates storage, starts, or stops Proxmox HA groups based on the name and function passed to it.
#Usage: <start|stop|migrate> <ha-group-name> [local|remote]

#Change to the name of your local storage (for migrating from remote to local storage)

function get_vm_name() {
    #Determine the name of the VMID passed to this function
    VM_NAME=$(qm config "$1" | grep '^name:' | awk '{print $2}')

function get_group_VMIDs() {
    #Get a list of VMIDs based on the name of the HA group passed to this function
    group_VMIDs=$(ha-manager config | grep -B1 "$1" | grep vm: | sed 's/vm://g')

function group_power_state() {
    #Loop through members of HA group passed to this function
    for group in "$1" 
        get_group_VMIDs "$group"
        for VM in $group_VMIDs
            get_vm_name "$VM"
            echo "$OPERATION $VM_NAME in HA group $group"
            ha-manager set $VM --state $VM_STATE

function group_migrate() {
    #This function migrates the VM's first disk (scsi0) to the specified location (local/remote)
    #TODO String to determine all disk IDs:  qm config 115 | grep '^scsi[0-9]:' | tr -d ':' | awk '{print $1}'

    #Loop through each VM in specified group name (second argument passed on CLI)
    for group in "$2" 
        get_group_VMIDs "$group"
        for VM in $group_VMIDs
            #Determine the names of each VM in the HA group
            get_vm_name "$VM"

            #Set storage location based on argument
            if [[ "$3" == "remote" ]]; then

            #Move primary disk to desired location
            echo "Migrating $VM_NAME to "$3" storage"
            qm move_disk $VM $disk $storage --delete=1


case "$1" in 
        group_power_state "$2" 
        group_power_state "$2"
        case "$3" in
                group_migrate "$@"
                echo "Usage: migrate <ha-group-name> <local|remote>"
        echo "Usage: <start|stop|migrate> <ha-group-name> [local|remote]"
        exit 1

Java IDRAC 6 Ubuntu 18.04 setup

I recently acquired a Dell PowerEdge R610 and had a hard time getting its iDRAC to work properly on my ElementaryOS setup (Ubuntu 18.04 derivative.) I had two problems: Connection failed error and keyboard not working.

Connection Failed

After much searching I finally found this post:

The post explains the problem is with the security settings of Java 8+ preventing the connection. I didn’t know where my security file was so I first ran a quick find command to find it:

sudo find / -name

In my case it was located in /etc/java-11-openjdk/security/

The last step was to remove RC4 from the list of blacklisted ciphers, as this is the cause of the problem.

sudo vim /etc/java-11-openjdk/security/

#change jdk.tls.disabledAlgorithms=SSLv3, RC4, DES, MD5withRSA, DH keySize < 1024, \ to be:
jdk.tls.disabledAlgorithms=SSLv3, DES, MD5withRSA, DH keySize < 1024, \

Save and exit, and iDRAC will now load!

Except now…

Keyboard doesn’t work

Update 2022-04-13 I recently had an issue where the keyboard didn’t work despite having Java 8. I fixed it by going to Tools and checking “Pass all keystrokes to server” within the jvm window.

My system was defaulting to using JRE 11, which apparently causes the keyboard to not function at all. I found on this reddit post that you really need an older version of Java. To do so on Ubuntu 18.04 you need to install it along with the icedtea plugin and run update-alternatives

sudo apt install openjdk-8-jre icedtea-8-plugin

Edit /etc/java-8-openjdk/security/ and remove the restriction on the RC4 algorhythm. Then configure the system to run java 8:

sudo update-alternatives --config java
#select java 8

Lastly, configure the icedtea plugin to run Java 8 instead of 11, because for some reason this plugin ignores the system java settings. Launch the IcedTea Web Control panel (find it in your system menu) and then Navigate to JVM settings. Enter /usr/ in the section “Set JVM for IcedTea-Web – working best with OpenJDK” section. Then hit Apply / OK

Phew. FINALLY you should be able to use iDRAC 6 on your modern Ubuntu system.

proxmox 6 NVIDIA GPU passthrough fix

I upgraded to ProxMox 6.0 and to my dismay my Windows VM suddenly began receiving the dreaded Code 43 error. After much digging I finally found this post on the ProxMox forums which outlines what needs to happen.

In my case, all I needed to do was tweak my machine type. There is no GUI option to do this, so it had to be done in the command line:

qm set <VM_ID> -machine pc-q35-3.1

That was all it took!

The forum also suggested a few other things if that didn’t work. I didn’t end up needing them but I’ll put them here in case it’s helpful:

Add args to your VM config file:

args: -cpu 'host,+kvm_pv_unhalt,+kvm_pv_eoi,hv_vendor_id=NV43FIX,kvm=off'

Add a few options to the CPU line:

cpu: host,hidden=1,flags=+pcid,hv-vendor-id=proxmox

With the above settings I also discovered there is no need to have x-vga=on anymore. This allows you to have both the regular VM console and your graphics card if you so desire.

Run startup / shutdown on every VM in PRoxmox HA group

I wanted to run a stop operation on all VMs in one of my HA groups in Proxmox and was frustrated to see there was no easy way to do so. I wrote a quick & dirty bash script that will let me start & stop all VMs within an HA group to do what I wanted.

#Proxmox HA start/stop script
#Takes first argument of the operation to do (start / stop) and any additional arguments for which HA group(s) to do it on, then acts as requested.

if [[ "$1" != "start" && "$1" != "stop" ]]; then
    echo "Please provide desired state (start | stop)"
    exit 1

if [ "$1" == "start" ]; then
elif [ "$1" == "stop" ]; then
else exit 1 #should not ever get here

#Loop through each argument except for the first
for group in "${@:-1}" 
    group_members=$(ha-manager config | grep -B1 $group | grep vm: )
    for VM in $group_members
        echo "$OPERATION $VM in HA group $group"
        ha-manager set $VM --state $VM_STATE

proxmox suspend & resume scripts

Update 12/17/2019: Added logic to wait for VM to be suspended before suspending the shypervisor

Update 12/8/2019: After switching VMs I needed to tweak the pair of scripts. I modified it to make all the magic happen on the hypervisor; the VM simply needs to SSH into the hypervisor and call the script. The hypervisor now also needs access to SSH via public key to the VM to tell it to suspend.

#ProxMox suspend script part 1 of 2
#To be run on the VM 
#All this does is call the suspend script on the hypervisor
#This could also just be a bash alias

####### Variables #########
HYPERVISOR=        #Name / IP of the hypervisor
SSH_USER=          #User to SSH into hypervisor as
HYPERVISOR_SCRIPT= #Path to part 2 of the script on the hypervisor

####### End Variables ######

#Execute server suspend script
#ProxMox suspend script part 2 of 2
#Script to run on the hypervisor, it waits for VM to suspend and then suspends itself
#It relies on passwordless sudo configured on the VM as well as SSH keys to allow passwordless SSH access to the VM from the hypervisor
#It resumes the VM after it resumes itself
#Called from the VM

########### Variables ###############

VM=             #Name/IP of VM to SSH into
VM_SSH_USER=    #User to ssh into the vm with
VMID=           #VMID of VM you wish to suspend

########### End Variables############

#Tell guest VM to suspend
ssh $VM_SSH_USER@$VM "sudo systemctl suspend"

#Wait until guest VM is suspended, wait 5 seconds between attempts
while [ "$(qm status $VMID)" != "status: suspended" ]
    echo "Waiting for VM to suspend"
    sleep 5 

#Suspend hypervisor
systemctl suspend

#Resume after shutdown
qm resume $VMID

I have a desktop running ProxMox. My GUI is handled via a virtual machine with physical hardware passed through it. The challenge with this setup is getting suspend & resume to work properly. I got it to work by suspending the VM first, then the host; on resume, I power up the host first, then resume the VM. Doing anything else would cause hardware passthrough problems that would force me to reboot the VM.

I automated the suspend process by using two scripts: one for the VM, and one for the hypervisor. The first script is run on the VM. It makes an SSH command to the hypervisor (thanks to this post) to instruct it to run the second half of the script; then initiates a suspend of the VM.

The second half of the script waits a few seconds to allow the VM to suspend itself, then instructs the hypervisor to also go into suspend. I had to split these into two scripts because once the VM is suspended, it can’t issue any more commands. Suspending the hypervisor must happen after the VM itself is suspended.

Here is script #1 (to be run on the VM) It assumes you have already set up a private/public key pair to allow for passwordless login into the hypervisor from the VM.

#ProxMox suspend script part 1 of 2
#Tto be run on the VM so it suspends before the hypervisor does

####### Variables #########

####### End Variables ######

#Execute server suspend script, then suspend VM

systemctl suspend

Here is script #2 (which script #1 calls), to be run on the hypervisor

#ProxMox suspend script part 2 of 2
#Script to run on the hypervisor, it waits for VM to suspend and then suspends itself
#It resumes the VM after it resumes itself

########### Variables ###############

#Specify VMid you wish to suspend

########### End Variables############

#Wait 5 seconds before doing anything to allow for VM to suspend
sleep 5

#Suspend hypervisor
systemctl suspend

#Resume after shutdown
qm resume $VMID

It works on my machine 🙂