Tag Archives: gaming

Installing Gears of War 4 in Windows 10

Installing Gears of War 4 on Windows can only be described as a hellish nightmare. Here are my notes on how I finally got it to install and run.

  • Download file with fiddler and a download accelerator, as outlined here:

[GUIDE v2.0] How to download install package for Windows Store games (bypass Store download issues or for install on another PC)
byu/ShadowStealer7 inpcgaming

  • Once you have the file, begin installing / downloading the game from the Windows store. Get several hundred MB / a few GB, then pause download.
  • Open powershell (no need to be an admin) and run the following:
    • Add-AppxPackage -path "<PATH TO GEARS FILE>"

After finish, close windows store and re-open, launch from there.

You may need to repeat removal and installation process many times, but now that you have the EAPPX file, it should be much less painful.

Synergy hyperactive mouse in FPS games fix

I’ve been using Synergy to share my keyboard & mouse between my machine and my Windows gaming VM. A very annoying thing I’ve encountered is that in some games, first person shooters mainly, the mouse goes haywire. Barely touching the mouse causes the shooter to look / spin in circles hundreds of times.

I finally found a fix to this, thanks to this post

The solution is to modify the Synergy server configuration and check the box “Use Relative mouse moves” under Advanced server settings. Then, when in the game, hit scroll lock to lock your mouse to that screen. This fixed the hyperactive mouse issue for me!


Fix no sound in Wine

Lately I’ve been doing 100% of my gaming in Linux. The latest versions of wine in Arch Linux have been fantastic (for the most part.) I recently installed a game called Gauntlet (a windows-only steam game.) For some reason I had no sound. Sound worked fine in other Wine games, just not this one.

After much digging I found this post on the Arch Linux forums which fixed my issue. The issue was not having the proper 32bit sound libraries installed. The fix was as simple as:

sudo pacman -Sy lib32-alsa-plugins lib32-libpulse lib32-openal
