Tag Archives: Group Membership

Clone AD Group Memberships with Powershell

I needed to do windoze administration today.  I dug my way into a hole and finally found my way out. Thanks to answers on Technet for the information I found a way to clone AD group membership from one group to another via powershell.

The command I settled on was the following (after creating the new group first)

Get-ADGroup -Identity "name_of_existing_group" -Properties MemberOf | foreach {$_.MemberOf} | foreach {add-ADGroupMember -Identity $_ -members "new_group_to_copy_memberOf_to" }

It grabs everything the group is a member of and transforms the output to a string array. It then takes that array and uses each item of it to add your new group as a member to everything the old group is a member of.