Tag Archives: ports

FreeBSD: allow non-root processes to bind port 80

In experimenting with FreeNAS jails I wanted to allow a web service to use port 80. Normally 80 is a high order port reserved for root-level processes for security reasons. Since this is a FreeBSD jail and not a full on system I’m not worried about this.

The command to do so is fairly simple (thanks to this page for information)

sysctl net.inet.ip.portrange.reservedhigh=0

The above command is not permanent; to make it so add it to /etc/sysctl.conf:

echo "net.inet.ip.portrange.reservedhigh=0" >> /etc/sysctl.conf

Avoid prompts when installing FreeBSD ports

The FreeBSD ports tree is wonderful for installing software but sometimes it can be a real pain. Recently I was trying to install Emby in FreeBSD because why not? The instructions were easy enough except for when I ran

make install clean

I was constantly barraged with choices for things. I want to assume the default on all of these and not be barraged with questions.

Thanks to stack exchange I learned it’s relatively easy to bypass all these questions. Simply add:


to the end of your make install clean statement to assume the defaults to all the questions for the package. The Emby guide is pretty comprehensive, but I would add this command at the bottom:

make install clean BATCH=yes
