My home lab consists of a virtualized instance of freenas, Citrix Xenserver, and various VMs. Recently I wanted to migrate some of my VMs to an NFS export from FreeNAS. To my dismay, the speed was abysmal (3 MB/second write speeds.) This tutorial will walk you through how to improve FreeNAS NFS performance in Xenserver by adding an log device (ZIL) to your ZFS pool.
After much research I realized the problem lies with ZFS behind the NFS export. Xenserver mounts the NFS share in such a way that it constantly wants to synchronize writes, which slows things down.
The solution: add a ZIL device. Since my freeNAS is virtualized, I chose the route of adding a virtual disk that is attached to an SSD. This process wasn’t straightforward. If you have a virtual FreeNAS this is how to improve NFS performance:
- Add a disk in xenserver. Rule of thumb for size is half the amount of system RAM. I added 16GB ZIL disk to be safe.
- Add the following tunables in FreeNAS (to allow the OS to properly see xen hard drives)
-, scbus100 (for the FreeNAS OS disk)
-, scbus100 (for the newly added ZIL disk)
- Reboot FreeNAS
- In the FreeNAS GUI, click the ZFS Volume Manager, select your volume to expand from the dropdown, and select the device to be a LOG volume (ZIL)
That’s it! Once I added an SSD based ZIL device for my ZFS pool, NFS writes went from 3 MB/s to 60 MB/s. Awesome.