Tag Archives: Active Directory

LDAP nested group membership query

I have a lot of applications at work which do not support Active Directory but instead rely on LDAP queries for granting user access. A problem we have is much of our access is granted to a security group (known as a ROLE) and users are granted to that single security group to get access to things. This allows easier access granting to new hires / transfers. The problem is it makes LDAP queries much more difficult. Things are further complicated by the fact that sometimes users are directly granted access to resources instead of going through their ROLE security group.

Nested LDAP group search

I spent a lot of time researching LDAP nested group queries. I now have a functional way of doing semi-nested LDAP group searches. The scenario: a user could be directly added to a security group granting access to a resource, or could be a member of a security group which has access to the resource. I want the LDAP group search string to account for both. I accomplish this by combining these two queries:

Nested group membership query

Search groups beginning with the name ROLE for a specific member, then return what that ROLE group has access to


Individually added group query

Search for all groups a specified member is a member of


I combine these two queries by separating them out with an OR operator (|)

Combined query

Return the group membership of the user in question, as well as the group membership of the group beginning with the name ROLE that the user is a member of


It has three main parts:

  • Begin with an or operator (|
  • Have a new group with an AND operator (&
    • This requires everything in this query to be true
  • Make a second group with an AND operator

This works for our organization because ROLE groups are not nested within themselves and each user can only have one ROLE group assigned to them.

This combined query allows me to not have to “flatten” security groups for LDAP-bound applications. It makes me so happy.

This was made possible by a flurry of stack overflow posts:






Flatten nested AD group memberships with powershell

Several applications at my job do not know how to read nested security groups. This is annoying because we grant everything through security groups instead of individual entitlements.

I’ve recently finished writing a powershell script that will “flatten” a security group that has nested security groups. This script reads a security group’s membership, compares the individually assigned users with the nested security group membership, and then reconciles them so only members of the nested security group are individually added to the main group. It allows me to simply add a security group to another security group, and still be able to use the group to grant access to applications that don’t support nested groups. It also ensures that nobody has rogue access they shouldn’t have. Everything managed through groups like God intended.

I consulted a ton of different sites to accomplish this. Here are just a few:






#Nested Security Group flattener script
#Written by Nicholas Jeppson, 10/6/2018

#This script scans nested security groups and compares their membership to that of the base security group.
#It then reconciles membership so that the only members of this group are those who are members of the nested security groups.
#This is required for applications that cannot read nested security groups, such as mattermost.
#No more manually adding people to a group after you've already added their role to that same group!

#=============Variables section=============#

#Enter groups to reconcile here, separated by quotes and a comma:
$groups_to_flatten = @("group1","group2")

#==========End Variables Section=============#

#Loop through each group to flatten
foreach ($group in $groups_to_flatten) {

    Write-Host "`nProcessing group ""$group"""

    #Read current individually added users
    $individually_added_users = get-ADGroupMember -Identity $group | Where-Object {$_.objectClass -eq 'user'}

    #Read group membership of nested groups - Ignore specific user (optional)
    $nested_group_members = get-ADGroupMember -Identity $group | Where-Object {$_.objectClass -eq 'group'} | Get-ADGroupMember -Recursive | Where-Object {$_.name -ne 'USER_TO_IGNORE'}

    #Compare current individually added users with that of nested security groups
    $users_to_add = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $individually_added_users -DifferenceObject $nested_group_members -PassThru | Where-Object {$_.SideIndicator -eq "=>"}
    $users_to_remove = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $individually_added_users -DifferenceObject $nested_group_members -PassThru | Where-Object {$_.SideIndicator -eq "<="}
    #loop through each user to remove and remove them
    foreach ($user in $users_to_remove) {
        Remove-ADGroupMember -Identity $group -Member $user -Confirm:$false
        Write-Host "Removed: $user"
    #loop through each user to add and add them
    foreach ($user in $users_to_add) {
        #Add nested group membership individually back to the parent group
        #Write-Host "Adding individual members to ""$group""`n`n"
        Add-ADGroupMember -Identity $group -Members $user -Confirm:$false 
        Write-Host "Added: $user"   

Clone AD Group Memberships with Powershell

I needed to do windoze administration today.  I dug my way into a hole and finally found my way out. Thanks to answers on Technet for the information I found a way to clone AD group membership from one group to another via powershell.

The command I settled on was the following (after creating the new group first)

Get-ADGroup -Identity "name_of_existing_group" -Properties MemberOf | foreach {$_.MemberOf} | foreach {add-ADGroupMember -Identity $_ -members "new_group_to_copy_memberOf_to" }

It grabs everything the group is a member of and transforms the output to a string array. It then takes that array and uses each item of it to add your new group as a member to everything the old group is a member of.

Linux Samba shares using Kerberos / AD credentials

I had a hell of a time trying to figure out why after upgrading the CentOS Samba package the samba shares quit working. Every time someone tried to access the share, the smb service would crash. I had this system configured to use active directory credentials and it worked well for a time, but no longer.

After much digging I found my problem to be the lack of a krb5.keytab file. This is due to my using PowerBroker Open instead of kerberos for authentication.

The solution was to add this line to my samba config:

kerberos method = system keytab

That one bit made all the difference. My current samba config is as follows with no more crashing: (Updated 8/29 to add workgroup name)

     security = ADS
     passdb backend = tdbsam
     realm = DOMAIN
     workgroup = NETBIOS_DOMAIN_NAME
     encrypt passwords = yes
     lanman auth = no
     ntlm auth = no
     kerberos method = system keytab
     obey pam restrictions = yes
     winbind enum users = yes
     winbind enum groups = yes

Update 8/29/2018: After updating and rebooting my smb service refused to start. It kept giving this very unhelpful message:

create_local_token failed: NT_STATUS_NO_MEMORY
ERROR: failed to setup guest info.
smb.service: main process exited, code=exited, status=255/n/a
Failed to start Samba SMB Daemon.

I couldn’t find any documentation on this and eventually resorted to just messing around with my smb.conf file. What fixed it was adding this to my configuration:


Replacing NETBIOS_DOMAIN_NAME with the old NetBIOS style domain name (what you would put in the domain part of domain\username for logging in) for my company. It worked!

CentOS 7 Enterprise desktop setup

These are my notes for standing up a CentOS 7 desktop in an enterprise environment.


Install the EPEL repository for a better experience:

sudo yum -y install epel-release

Desktop experience packages:

sudo yum -y install vlc libreoffice java gstreamer gstreamer1 gstreamer-ffmpeg gstreamer-plugins-good gstreamer-plugins-ugly gstreamer1-plugins-bad-freeworld gstreamer1-libav pidgin rhythmbox ffmpeg keepass xdotool ntfs-3g gvfs-fuse gvfs-smb fuse sshfs redshift-gtk stoken-gui stoken-cli

Additional packages that may come in handy

sudo yum -y install http://li.nux.ro/download/nux/dextop/el7/x86_64/nux-dextop-release-0-5.el7.nux.noarch.rpm
sudo yum -y install libdvdcss gstreamer{,1}-plugins-ugly gstreamer-plugins-bad-nonfree gstreamer1-plugins-bad-freeworld libde265 x265

Enable ssh:

sudo systemctl enable sshd
sudo systemctl start sshd

Google Chrome

Paste into /etc/yum.repos.d/google-chrome.repo:

name=Google - x86_64
sudo yum -y install google-chrome-stable


It’s just easier to use PowerBroker Open from beyondtrust

sudo wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/pbiso.repo http://repo.pbis.beyondtrust.com/yum/pbiso.repo
sudo yum -y install pbis-open

Cliff notes for joining the domain:


sudo domainjoin-cli join $domainname $domainaccount 
<enter password>

sudo /opt/pbis/bin/config UserDomainPrefix $domain_prefix
sudo /opt/pbis/bin/config AssumeDefaultDomain true
sudo /opt/pbis/bin/config LoginShellTemplate /bin/bash
sudo /opt/pbis/bin/config HomeDirTemplate %H/%U

Add domain admins to sudo, escaping spaces with a backlsash and replacing DOMAIN with your domain:

sudo visudo
%DOMAIN\\Domain\ Administrators ALL=(ALL) ALL

Reboot to make all changes go into effect.


You might need to copy your domain’s CA certificate to your certificate trust store:

sudo cp <CA CERT FILENAME> /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/
sudo update-ca-trust

Drive mapping

I use a simple script to use gvfs-mount to mount network drives. Change suffix to match your domain and mounts to suit your needs.

#Simple script to mount network drives on login


for i in "${MOUNTS[@]}" 
	gvfs-mount "smb://$i"

Configure in gnome to run on startup:

Add the following to ~/.config/autostart/mount-drives.desktop, changing Exec= to the path of the above script.

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Mount network drives
GenericName=Mount network drives
Comment=Script to mount network drives
Exec=<location of mount script>

Network Config

If you wish to add static IP and configure your DNS suffix (search domain) then run


The other GUI for network configuration doesn’t have an option for search domains for some reason.


sudo yum -y install opensc pcsc-tools pcsc-lite

Be sure to install the drivers for your particular card reader. Mine came from here and here.

After installing you can test by starting pcscd and using pcsc_scan

sudo systemctl start pcscd

Vmware horizon view

Smartcard support

There is a problem with how the VMware View interacts with the opensc smartcard drivers shipped in popular Linux distributions such as CentOS and Ubuntu. View cannot load the drivers in the default configuration; therefore in order to get VMware View working with smartcards you need manually patch and compile the opensc package (thanks to this site for the information needed to do so.)

First, install the necessary development packages

sudo yum -y groupinstall "Development Tools"
sudo yum -y install openssl-devel pcsc-lite-devel

Next, download and extract opensc-0.13 from sourceforge:

wget http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/opensc/OpenSC/opensc-0.13.0/opensc-0.13.0.tar.gz
tar zxvf opensc-0.13.0.tar.gz
cd opensc-0.13.0

Now we have to patch two specific files in the source before compiling:

echo "--- ./src/pkcs11/opensc-pkcs11.exports
 +++ ./src/pkcs11/opensc-pkcs11.exports
 @@ -1 +1,3 @@
 --- ./src/pkcs11/pkcs11-spy.exports
 +++ ./src/pkcs11/pkcs11-spy.exports
 @@ -1 +1,3 @@
 +C_Finalize" > opensc.patch

patch -p1 -i opensc.patch

Next, compiling and installing:

sudo make install

Assuming there were no errors, you can now link the compiled driver to the location VMware view expects it. Note: you must rename the library from opensc-pkcs11.so to libopensc-pkcs11.so for this to work (another lovely VMware bug)

sudo mkdir -p /usr/lib/vmware/view/pkcs11/
sudo ln -s /usr/local/lib/pkcs11/opensc-pkcs11.so /usr/lib/vmware/view/pkcs11/libopensc-pkcs11.so


Install the pidgin-sipe plugin as detailed here

sudo yum -y install pidgin pidgin-sipe

Choose “Office Communicator” as the protocol. Enter your e-mail address for the username, then go to the Advanced tab and check “Use single sign-on.”

On first run all contact names were missing. Per here, simply close and restart the application.

Gnome 3

Disable audible bell

Taken from here

Disable audible bell and enable visual bell with:

gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences audible-bell false
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences visual-bell true

and change the type of the visual bell if you don’t need the fullscreen flash:

gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences visual-bell-type frame-flash


If you can find your extension via yum it tends to work better than the gnome extension site. Make sure you’re using the correct shell version from the site:

gnome-shell --version
sudo yum -y install gnome-shell-extension-top-icons gnome-shell-extension-dash-to-dock

Other useful extensions:

backslide, multi monitors add-on , No topleft hot corner, Dropdown terminal, Media player indicator, Focus my window, Workspace indicator, Native window placement, Openweather, Panel osd, Dash to dock, Gpaste


For if you have the misfortune of being in an environment that uses RSA SecurID for two factor authentication, here is the official guide

Necessary packages to be installed:

sudo yum -y install selinux-policy-devel policycoreutils-devel
  1.  Download & extract PAM agent, cd to extracted directory
    tar -xvf PAM-Agent*.tar
  2. Create /var/ace directory and place necessary files inside. Create sdopts.rec and add the IP address of the desktop.
    mkdir /var/ace
    cp sdconf.rec /var/ace
    vi /var/ace/sdopts.rec
  3. Run the install_pam script and specify UDP authentication
  4.  Modify /etc/pam.d/password-auth to add the RSA authentication agent. Insert above pam_lsass.so smartcard_prompt try_first_pass line, then comment out pam_lsass.so smartcard_prompt try_first_pass line
    auth required pam_securid.so
    auth required pam_env.so
    auth sufficient pam_lsass.so
  5. Add new system in RSA console: Access / Authentication Agents / Add new
  6. Test to make sure everything works:

MariaDB with Active Directory authentication via PAM module

I needed to get mariadb authenticating users via Active Directory at work. Configuration was confusing until I stumbled across this article saying you can just tie into the system’s PAM configuration., which in my case is already configured for AD authentication. Awesome!

First, enable PAM plugin and restart mariadb:

/etc/my.cnf, anywhere in the mysqld section


Restart mariadb:

sudo systemctl restart mariadb

Next, configure a PAM file to interface with mariadb:

sudo vi /etc/pam.d/mysql
auth include system-auth 
account required pam_nologin.so 
account include system-auth 
password include system-auth 
session optional pam_keyinit.so force revoke 
session include system-auth 
session required pam_loginuid.so

Create catch all user in MariaDB and configure to use your PAM configuration:


Lastly, grant permissions in mariadb being sure to specify pam as the mechanism:

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES on <database>.* to '<user>'@'<host>' IDENTIFIED VIA pam;


Update 4-23-2019

You can use the pam_user_map module to grant permission to AD groups. This allows using Active Directory groups to completely manage permissions instead of creating users manually in the database. The procedure is outlined here.

Compile & Install pam_user_map module

sudo yum -y install gcc pam-devel  
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MariaDB/server/10.4/plugin/auth_pam/mapper/pam_user_map.c
gcc pam_user_map.c -shared -lpam -fPIC -o pam_user_map.so
sudo install --mode=0755 pam_user_map.so /lib64/security/

Create mysql user and grant it permissions you would like your group to have

CREATE USER '<DBUSER>'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'strongpassword';

GRANT PROXY ON '<DBUSER>'@'%' TO ''@'%';

Configure pam_user_map user/group mappings by creating /etc/security/user_map.conf and add with group mappings. Note pam_user_map doesn’t tolerate special characters, such as the carat sign, which powerbroker uses to indicate spaces. I ended up just renaming the group to not have any spaces in it.

@orig_pam_group_name: mapped_mariadb_user_name

Configure PAM to include pam_user_map.so as the last step in the process. Note the process I uploaded earlier doesn’t work well with groups, so here is my new process (I’m using Powerbroker Open for AD mapping)

auth        required      pam_lsass.so      try_first_pass
auth required pam_user_map.so debug
account required pam_permit.so

Note I’ve also included pam_permit.so so I didn’t need to create AD groups to match what I’ve configured in user_map.conf above.

Append users to powerbroker open RequireMembershipOf

The title isn’t very descriptive. I recently came across a need to script adding users & groups to the “RequireMembershipOf” directive of PowerBroker Open. PowerBroker is a handy tool that really facilitates joining a Linux machine to a Windows domain. It has a lot of configurable options but the one I was interested in was RequireMembershipOf – which as you might expect requires that the person signing into the Linux machine be a member of that list.

The problem with RequireMembershipOf is, as far as I can tell, it has no append function. It has an add function which frustratingly erases everything that was there before and includes only what you added onto the list. I needed a way to append a member to the already existing RequireMembershipOf list. My solution involves the usage of bash, sed, and a lot of regex. It boils down to two lines of code:

#take output of show require membership of, remove words multistring & local policy, replace spaces with carat (pbis space representation) and put results into variable (which automatically puts results onto a single line)

add=$(/opt/pbis/bin/config --show RequireMembershipOf | sed 's/\(multistring\)\|\(local policy\)//g' | sed 's/ /^/g')

#run RequireMembershipOf command with previous output and any added users

sudo /opt/pbis/bin/config RequireMembershipOf "$add" "<USER_OR_GROUP_TO_ADD>"

That did the trick.

Batch convert Global security groups to Universal

Recently I came across a need to batch convert global security groups into universal security groups in my work’s Active Directory domain. The reason for this is so I could then turn them into Mail Enabled security groups, which would enable mail to be delivered to members of these groups. Unfortunately all security groups at this organization are Global in scope.

Seeing as this is a one domain organization there is no harm in changing the scope to Universal. Doing this via mouse is very tedious; fortunately we can use a few basic command line tools to automate the task. Thanks to Jeff Guillet for outlining how to do this.

The three magic commands are: dsquery, dsget, and dsmod.

First I wanted to test out a single security group to make sure everything would work. I couldn’t convert it because it was a member of several global security groups. This rabbit hole went several levels deep. Piping together dsquery, dsget, and dsmod all together solved this problem instantly:

dsquery group -limit 0 -name "<Group Name>" | dsget group -memberof | dsmod group -c -q -scope u

The above command first gets the full name of the group specified by the -name command. The output is sent to the dsget command to query what groups that group is a member of. The output of that command is sent to the dsmod command, which does the work of actually changing each of those groups into a security group:

  • -c tells it to continue on error
  • -q tells it to not print successful changes.
  • -scope u instructs it to change the group’s scope to Universal.

Any errors will be printed to the console. Depending on how many levels of global groups there are you may have to run this command several times in order to convert the problematic groups to Universal scope.

Once that command finishes without error you can modify the group itself to be a universal group by simply omitting the middle dsget command:

dsquery group -limit 0 -name "<Group Name>" | dsmod group -c -q -scope u

After testing we are now ready to expand this to convert ALL Global security groups to be Universal in scope. If you would like a report of how many groups would be affected, run this command. It will output all groups from the query to the text file Groups.txt:

dsquery group -limit 0 | dsget group -samid -scope -secgrp > Groups.txt

To modify every group simply omit the “-name” parameter from the group command used above with our test group. This will iterate through every group in the directory and pass it on to dsmod which will modify the scope to be universal:

dsquery group -limit 0 | dsmod group -c -q -scope u

Some built-in groups can’t be converted due to their nature, so you will have to work around those (Domain Users being one example.) You will probably need to run the command a few times until no errors appear.



Join a CentOS machine to an AD domain

I ran into enough snags when attempting to join an CentOS 6.6 machine to a Microsoft domain that I thought I would document them here. Hopefully it is of use to someone. The majority of the experience is thanks to this site.

Update 03/16/2015: I came across this site which makes things a little easier when it comes to initial configuration – messing with other config files is no longer necessary. The authconfig command to do this is below:

authconfig --disablecache --enablelocauthorize --enablewinbind --enablewinbindusedefaultdomain --enablewinbindauth        --smbsecurity=ads --enablekrb5 --enablekrb5kdcdns --enablekrb5realmdns --enablemkhomedir --enablepamaccess --updateall        --smbidmapuid=100000-1000000 --smbidmapgid=100000-1000000 --disablewinbindoffline --winbindjoin=Admin_account --winbindtemplateshell=/bin/bash --smbworkgroup=DOMAIN --smbrealm=FQDN --krb5realm=FQDN

Replace DOMAIN with short domain name, FQDN with your fully qualified domain name, and Admin_account with an account with domain admin privileges, then skip to the Reboot section, as it covers everything before that.

Install the necessary packages

yum -y install authconfig krb5-workstation pam_krb5 samba-common oddjob-mkhomedir

Configure kerberos auth with authconfig

There is a curses-based GUI you can use to do this in but I opted for the command line.

authconfig --disablecache --enablewinbind --enablewinbindauth --smbsecurity=ads --smbworkgroup=DOMAIN --smbrealm=DOMAIN.COM.AU --enablewinbindusedefaultdomain --winbindtemplatehomedir=/home/DOMAIN/%U --winbindtemplateshell=/bin/bash --enablekrb5 --krb5realm=DOMAIN.COM.AU --enablekrb5kdcdns --enablekrb5realmdns --enablelocauthorize --enablemkhomedir --enablepamaccess --updateall

Add your domain to kerberos configuration

Kerberos information is stored in /etc/krb5.conf. Append your domain in the realms configuration, like below

vi /etc/krb5.conf
 kdc = kerberos.example.com
 admin_server = kerberos.example.com
admin_server = DOMAIN.COM.AU
 .example.com = EXAMPLE.COM
 example.com = EXAMPLE.COM
 domain.com.au = DOMAIN.COM.AU
 .domain.com.au = DOMAIN.COM.AU

 Test your configuration

Use the kinit command with a valid AD user to ensure a good connection with the domain controllers:

kinit <AD user account>
It should return you to the prompt with no error messages. You can further make sure it worked by issuing the klist command to show open Kerberos tickets

Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_0
Default principal: someaduser@DOMAIN.COM.AU
Valid starting Expires Service principal
02/27/14 12:23:21 02/27/14 22:23:21 krbtgt/DOMAIN.COM.AU@DOMAIN.COM.AU
renew until 03/06/14 12:23:19
When I tried the kinit command it returned an error:
kinit: KDC reply did not match expectations while getting initial credentials
 After scratching my head for a while I came across this site, which explains that your krb5.conf is case sensitive – it must all be all upper case. Fixing my krb5.conf to be all caps for my domain resolved that issue.

Join the domain

net ads join domain.com.au -U someadadmin
When I tried to join the domain I received this lovely message:
Our netbios name can be at most 15 chars long, "EXAMPLEMACHINE01" is 16 chars long
Invalid configuration. Exiting....
Failed to join domain: The format of the specified computer name is invalid.
Thanks to Ubuntu forms I learned I needed to edit my samba configuration to assign an abbreviated NETBIOS name to my machine.
vi /etc/samba/smb.conf
Uncomment the “netbios name =” line and fill it in with a shorter (max 15 characters) NETBIOS name.
netbios name = EXAMPLE01
You can test to ensure the join was successful with this command
net ads testjoin

Configure home directories

The authconfig command above included a switch for home directories. Make sure you create a matching directory and set appropriate permissions for it.

mkdir /home/DOMAIN
setfacl -m group:"Domain Users":rwx /home/DOMAIN #the article calls to do this, this command doesn't work for me but home directories still appear to be created properly


To really test everything the best way is to reboot the machine. When it comes back up, log in with Active Directory credentials. It should work!

Account lockout issues

I ran into a very frustrating problem where everything works dandy if you get the password correct on the first try, but if you mess up even once it results in your Active Directory account being locked. You were locked out after the first try. Each login, even when successful, had this in the logs:

winbind pam_unix(sshd:auth): authentication failure

This problem took a few days to solve. Ultimately it involved modifying two files:

vi /etc/pam.d/system-auth
vi /etc/pam.d/password-auth

As far as I can tell, the problem was a combination of pam_unix being first (which always failed when using AD login), as well as having both winbind and kerberos enabled. The fix was to change the order of each mention of pam_unix to be below any mention of pam_winbind. The other fix I had to do was to comment out mentions of pam_krb5 completely.

#auth        sufficient    pam_krb5.so use_first_pass

Restrict logins

The current configuration allows any domain account to log into the machine. You will probably want to restrict who can log in to the machine to certain security groups. The problem: many Active Directory security groups contain spaces in their name, which Linux doesn’t like.

How do you add a security group that contains a space? Escape characters don’t seem to work in the pam config files.  I found out thanks to this site that it is easier to just not use spaces at all. Get the SID of the group instead.

Use wbcinfo -n to query the group in question, using the backslash to escape the space. It will return the SID we desire.

wbinfo -n Domain\ Users
S-1-5-21-464601995-1902203606-794563710-513 Domain Group (2)

Next, modify /etc/pam.d/password-auth and add the require_membership_of argument to pam_winbind.so:

auth        sufficient    pam_winbind.so require_membership_of=S-1-5-21-464601995-1902203606-794563710-513

That’s it! Logins are now restricted to the security group listed.

Configure sudo access

Sudo uses a different list for authorization, which amusingly, handles escaped spaces just fine.  Simply add the active directory group in sudo as you a local one, eg using a % and then group name, escaping spaces with a backslash:

%Domain\ Users ALL=(ALL) ALL


You’ve just gone through a long and painful battle. Hopefully this article helped you to achieve victory.

Extract multiple Active Directory fields in Splunk

I had posted here about how to extract account names with a specific modifier (exclude account names ending in a dollar sign.) That worked for one specific instance, but I found I needed something better. Active Directory logs have multiples of the same value (Account_Name, Group_Name, etc.) that all depend on context, namely the value of the line two lines above it.

For example,

Message=A member was added to a security-enabled universal group.

 Security ID: <Random long SID>
 Account Name: Administrator
 Account Domain: ExampleDomain
 Logon ID: <random hex value>

 Security ID: <Another random long SID>
 Account Name: CN=George Clooney,OU=ExampleDomain,OU=Hollywood,OU=California,DC=USA,DC=NA,DC=Terra

 Security ID: <Yet another long SID>
 Account Name: Old Actors
 Account Domain: ExampleDomain

You can see that there are three different Security ID fields, three different Account Name fields, and two different Account Domain fields. The key is the context: Subject account name, member account name, or group account name.

I wrestled for some time to find a regex expression for Splunk that would continue matching things after a line has ended. After much searching I came across this post which explained the need for a regex modifier to do what I wanted.

In my case I needed to use the (?s) modifier to include newline characters in my extraction. My new and improved AD regex extraction is as follows:

(?s)(Group:.+Account Name:\s+)(?P<real_group_name>[^\n]+)
  • (?s)  Regex modifier indicating to include new lines
  • Group:  Section I am interested in. You can replace this with Member: if you’re interested in member account names instead
  • .+ match one or more of any character (including new line as indicated by modifier above)
  • Account Name:\s+ This is in conjuction with the previous two items to create a match that includes the section name and anything after that until the spaces after Account Name
  • [^\n]+ Match one or more characters that is not a new line (since you might have an account name with spaces.)

Finally! This is the regex I’ve been looking for.